Pages That Mention Steadman
James Adam diary: 1857-1863 (Ms. Codex 1948)
p. 172
Adventures in South Africa. [written above: 1/2 past 8] Mrs. Eales has just got word that Johnson's Schooner is outside. read Wandering in South Africa by Steadman all day,) Notes from Johnson & Morriss came up this afternoon for Bowen Dibbs Cassiagni. Bowen & Dibbs went down in the Cutter between 5 & 6. Chatted with the Capt. & Mrs. E. in the evening.
Saturday Jany. 8th. 1858.[1859]
Up about 6 this morning. Capt. has [written above:(8ocl)] just returned from shore with a report that he has just seen the smoke of a Steamer. (So says Cassiagni) evening proved steamer had not arrived. Cassiagni & I pulled in the jolly with the Cutters Oars. Capt. & I agreed to walk up to Sandoway tomorrow morning at 6 oclock.