Pages That Mention Mr. B
James Adam diary: 1857-1863 (Ms. Codex 1948)
p. 157
Mrs. Beddy. Mr. B not a[t] home walked up to the Jail & Hospital on the road back met a Baboo Convict who was sent here for forgery (7 years 3 expired) Said he had offered Gov. 2 Lakhs for his liberty tiffined at the Circuit Bungalow. sent by Mrs. B Dr. & I had a chat on Scotch affairs. bid Mrs. Beddy goodbye (Capt. & I) at 4 oclock got into the Cutter & returned to the vessel between 5&6 I dined with the Capt. Col. Sage Dr. Brown (Simpkin) Dr. B asked me to call on him at Barrackpoor on our arrival in Calcutta turned in at 9 ocl
Tuesday Decr. 14th. 1858
Left Tandypaura this morng. to proceed to Kyauk Phyoo vessel grounded between Singhou & Toddyporah at 7 oclock tried to bring her head round with a
p. 162
Wednesday Decr. 22nd. 1858
Up at daybreak. walked an hour on deck went down & dressed expect the "Sr. Warrine" today "Sr. Burmah" arrived today at 4 ocl bringing Mary & Willies letter of the 8th Novr. all well palau to leave on the 19th with inclosure from Fred
Thursday Decr. 23rd. 1858
Up at 1/2 past 7 had a play at Single Stick with Cassiagni & Bowen before breakfast remined on bd. all day did not go ashore in the evg. reading North & South.
Friday Decr. 24th. 1858
up between 7 & 8 fine cool morg. dined at the Capts. at six ocl Xmas Eve. Met Mr & Mes. B Harper Dibbs Bowen Cassiagni Law. had singing after dinner sung Queens Letter & Across the Braes. got on bd. about 12 ocl.