Pages That Mention Norman
James Adam diary: 1857-1863 (Ms. Codex 1948)
p. 134
vivid & thunder deafening happened on a good many successive nights until the breeze came on Cassiagni & I dined at the Capts. on Monday by Mrs. E invitation Met Miss Law & Miss Hughdsdon. Harper Norman Johnstone, Next morning had a note fron Johnson asking me to come come ashore see the Capt. & take breakfast remained ashore all day & drove Mrs. Eales out to the point in the evening Slept at Johnson's all night & went on board in the morning about eight blowing pretty stiff Ship are foundedly uncomfortable when I went on board everything topsy turvy in the after Cabin the Gun room & Cabins painting & niggers holy stoning. breakfast & dinner on deck & slept on the