Pages That Mention Bedford
Mary Emma Jocelyn diary, 1851-1852.
p. 130
were he not quite so sober, still I like him much, and so I fancy does our bright, gay little Mary, notwithstanding he is so different from herself. Love is a strange little God, but he did well in this case. Every body agrees that it is a firstrate match and also I believe they agree in giving me the credit of it. I hope they won't take me for a thorough going match - maker I only thought I would give them a start seeing it seemed very agreeable to both parties. and a start was all they wanted for they followed it up in short order Now they are engaged - then comes a wedding by and by, and then my best wishes accompany them as they progress hand in hand through the uncertain future. Well, to return, we walked through South 9th st[street] so First strolled along by the waterstill we were quite a distance out [illegible] Brooklyn side, then went up to Bedford avenue, through which we prominaded some time, and then returned. As we passed through this pleasant streets we saw that we were not the only [underlined] moonlight ramblers, and it was also quite evident [illegible] all the lovers in Wesburough did not belong to our party. Being much fatigued I retired immediately on reaching home