Travel Diaries and Journals

Pages That Mention Broadway Tabernacle

Mary Emma Jocelyn diary, 1851-1852.

p. 120
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p. 120

Monday May 10th.. Very pleasant and warm. Called at the milliner's thrice in the course of the morning, In the afternoon my new hat was sent home. It is a gossamer straw, lined and trimmed with white, and pleases me much, as is generally the case with anything new and tasteful. Called on Mary Reeve also took a short walk walk with ^her Returned, read an hour, took an early tea, and at six started for the ferry, crossed over and found Natty waiting for me on the other side. Walked to the Tabernacle, which we reached at seven, Half-an hour later seats were difficult to be obtained; and the meeting commenced. Natty and I sat in the first seat of the gallery, facing the platform.

It was the Twenty-Fourth Anniversary of the American Leaman's Friends Society. The speeches were very fine the singing also was excellent. The meeting closed about half-past-ten. I was much fatigued and felt as though I could hardly reach home, but at twelve cozily nestled in bed and clasped in Carrie's arms all sense of weariness was ^soon lost in refreshing slumber.

[written sideways near gutter] E. Daniels? spent the evening at our house.

Tuesday.. Warm and pleasant. Mother and I attended the Anti-Slavery Anniversary at the Broadway Tabernacle in the afternoon It was very interesting, and I enjoyed it highly. Speeches were delivered by the Hon. E.D. Cenbre? Mr Pray? and a blind mulatto man, and Henry Ward Beecher. They were all different both in style and substances and I could

Last edit almost 3 years ago by AprilDuclos
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