Pages That Mention Mrs Warner
Mary Emma Jocelyn diary, 1851-1852.
p. 27
Tuesday. Pleasant but bitter cold. Mrs Warner and Mary Reeve called in the afternoon. Sarah, Caroline and Natty spent the evening with the Dickinsons. I was not well enough to accompany them. Before they left Sarah and I spent some time together in singing. Wednesday. Jan. 14th, Excessively cold. We seem surrounded with ice, and cannot keep any water in our rooms. We spend much time in trying to get warm and to keep warm. In the afternoon Mrs Hallum a cousin of Mother's from the city made a long call, and set us to wondering how she could come so far on such a cold day, yet in the evening we all wrapped up warmly and marched off to singing school. We had a pleasant time and returned bringing quite a little company with us who staid [sic] some time. Mr Murphy was also here. Thursday. Weather the same. Mary Reeve and Mrs Wells called in the afternoon. I wrote in Sarah's album. Before tea I suddenly became very ill and was obliged to give up the idea of attending Lyceum. The Dickinsons called as usual, and all went but Harriet and I. H- was obliged to retire from the effects of a severe headache. I soon followed her example, but lay awake. [til?] the girls came laughing up to my room to relate their adventures of which they always seem to meet with an abundance, wherever they go. They also gave me a glowing account of the lectures which they thought very fine.