Pages That Mention Berwick
James Adam diary: 1857-1863 (Ms. Codex 1948)
p. 6
I must part with my mother. Oh what a trial to leave & part with her whom I loved [struck through: better than] so dearly & my father too & Jessie Mary, Robert & William I assumed composure I was far from feeling. My heart was ready to burst but I must tear myself away. the hour has come & I must go My father Robt. Wm. Taylor, Fred, James T. Banks at the station bade me good bye & off we went Left N.B. Station at 9.15 Stopped Dunbar 5 minutes Berwick 10 minutes . I went outside the station at Berwick but it being dark I could see very little, however I saw the Tweed & could make out the general appearance of the town We stopped again at Newcastle & York at the latter we had 20 minutes & I went into the refreshment rooms to have a cup of coffee for which I paid 1/ rather scalped. I saw the Cathedral A young fellow sitting opposite me in the train & I went to see it, it is a
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the Refreshment room till the time of starting two others in the [struck through: train] [written above: carriage] with me at starting but at Berwick a number of women Came in with Chil- dren the 2 others went into another Carri age at Newcastle. I remained could get no sleep. Sent out Mrs. Ritchie's parcel for Tope at York & had it booked in York about 4 ocl a.m.
Tuesday. Jany. 22nd. 1861.
Got into London at 10 ocl & went to a coffe house opposite the station & had a wash & Some breakfast. after which took a cab & went to Bethnall House. shewn into a room Dr. Ritchie came in. Sat talking for some time. Cabman wanting too much gave him 3/. Mr. Miller came in was introduced. after a glass of wine went to bed & had a sleep for two hours. at 5 dressed & came down to dinner. Met Mr. Miller