Mount Auburn Cemetery

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Pages That Mention Hayes, Jonathan W.

1870 Trustee Meeting Minutes, Volume 5, 1831.005.005

Trustees Records, Vol. 5, 1870 (index-page 14)

Trustees Records, Vol. 5, 1870 (index-page 14)


Hemenway Impt, Unsold Lots on restricted 19
" [Hemenway] " [Impt,] Report concerning amended 19, 22
Hazel Dell " [Impt,] of premises at recommended 27, 29
*Hosmer, Zelotes, heirs of; their Lot purchd by Corpn 28
Hazel Path, Impts near recommended 29
" [Hazel] " [Path,] Report as to Impt of amended 33
*Hilliard, Abraham, decd, contract with Exor of " [Hilliard], Elizabeth " [decd] for perp. rep. with G. of Lot 2000 bel. to A. H. Decd 69
Homer, Wm F. , Papers rel. to his Lot, No 1291 106, 142
Halcyon Lake, work at, Com for Supt. respecting 135
" [Halcyon] " [Lake,] subject ref. to Com. on Grounds 138
Humphrey, Mrs T. J. Action rel. to her Lot, No 918, 142
*Hayes, Jonathan W. Cont. for p rep. rep. with G. of Lot No 2326, of late. 150
Halcyon Lake, fountain at authorized 155
*Hobbs, Prentiss, cont. for perp. rep. with G. of Lot No 2613, of late. 156
Hovey, C. M., offer of payt in shrubs &c., for Lot, declined 161
Hubbell, Mrs Peter, her proposal to present Fountain 171
Declined 175
Horse, purchase of for Supt. authorized 221
Holman, Rev. S. L. Comn of ref. to Com. on Lots 229
Homans, Chas. D., M. D. Cont. for perp. rep. with G. of Lot No 3273, belonging to 234
Halcyon Lake, change prop. in deeds of lots near 249, 254
Humphrey Mrs P. C. Comn from ref. to Com. on Lots 250
" [Humphrey] " [Mr] " [P.] " [C.] Report on 252
*Holman, Silas, heirs of. Cont. for perp. rep. with G. of Lot No 4288 belonging to 261
Halcyon Lake, grade of Lots near, &c 289
" [Halcyon] " [Lake] , drainage into from Mt Aub. St 303
Horticultural Society. See ["Massachusetts Hort. Soc'y."]
Hovey, Chas. M. Non=payt of Lot sold to 326
*Hubbell, Peter, Cont. for p. c. with G. of Lot #1898, late of 333
*Hartshorn, Benj. Cont. for p. c. with G. of Lot 2581, late of 358
Last edit about 2 years ago by Elizabeth Casner
Trustees Records, Vol. 5, 1870 (page 150)

Trustees Records, Vol. 5, 1870 (page 150)


Trustees .

Reception House. Use of for office purposes and for "Refreshments".

The President read to the Board a communication from the Superintendent containing suggestions in regard to the use of the Reception House in part for a Superintendent's office, and in part for refreshments; after consideration whereof it was, on motion of Mr Lawrence

Voted, – that the Communication of the Superintendent be referred to the President, with authority to take such action as he may deem for the best interests of the corporation,

Decoration Day Subject of admission on, &c. referred to Special Comtee

The subject of admission to the Cemetery on Decoration Day having been brought before the Board by the President, and duly considered, on motion of Mr Turner it was

Voted, – that the subject be referred to the President and Mr Pickering as a Committee to confer with the Presidents or managers of other Cemeteries in the vicinity, with authority to make such regulations and arrangement as they may deem expedient

Monthly Schedule of Sales of Lots appd. acc. & placed on file.

A statement of sales of Lots effected by the Superintendent, and approved by the Committee on Lots to , having been submitted by the Secretary in compliance with the By=Laws, it was

Voted, – that said statement be accepted, and placed on file.

Cont. for Perpet. Rep. with G. of Lots Nos 2326 3261 & 4015

The Secretary having stated that the Committee on Lots had recommended the Trustees to guaranty the perpetual repair of Lot numbered 2326 on Rosemary Path late of *Jonathan W. Hayes, deceased, for the sum of Two hundred and fifty dollars; of Lot numbered 3261 on Lime Avenue, of John Goldsbury of Boston, for the sum of Four hundred and fifty dollars; and of Lot numbered 4015 on Hazel=Dell

Last edit about 2 years ago by Elizabeth Casner
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