Travel Diaries and Journals

Pages That Mention Mr M. Stearns

Mary Emma Jocelyn diary, 1851-1852.

p. 24
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p. 24

Friday.. January 2nd Pleasant. Mr Murphy who had staid over night spent the morning with us. Miss [H?] & Mr M. Stearns Misses E & I Waterman, Mrs Cook, Miss H. Wilde & Miss Emma Horing? called also several of Harriet's Sunday School scholars. Mother called on the Hudsons and found H - much worse. - Hannah Wilde gave us an account of Mr Dias' insolent proceedings at the singing school one evening in the abscence of Mr Warner, at which I was so indignant that it was quite a while before I recovered my composure. - Sarah and I made quite a long call on Mary R. Joseph has presented his little intended with a beautiful gold watch. A New Year's present. Mr Murphy spent the evening with us.

Saturday. Cloudy. Sarah and I called at the Hudson's in the morning. George opened the door. He spoke to us cheerfully, but he was pale, and his eyes were red, as if by watching and weeping. He said that he had been up all night with Henry, who had suffered very much. Mrs Hudson took me aside into another room, and told me that they had but little hopes of his life. The thought of the dying youth affected me much, but after asking a few questions I left them quite composed I could not however restrain my feelings when I reached home though I would rather have done so. Poor Henry It seemed too bad to die under such circumstances, though I felt that he could lose nothing in dying.

[text continued in left margin:] Sent word to Father about H. as he had requested me to do in case he was worse Miss Dillingham called, also Mr ?. Corning

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