Mount Auburn Cemetery

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Pages That Mention Lot 3949

1870 Trustee Meeting Minutes, Volume 5, 1831.005.005

Trustees Records, Vol. 5, 1870 (page 018)

Trustees Records, Vol. 5, 1870 (page 018)


Trustees,. Purchase of Add. Real Estate

showing the premises in question. After full discussion, it was

Voted, that the communications made to this Board in reference to the purchase of additional real estate be referred to the Committee on Grounds.

Introduction of Cherry Trees.

A Communication dated , was received from W. F. Shaw, relative to the introduction of cherry trees and other trees likely to attract birds to the Cemetery precincts

Voted. that the above communication be referred to the "Committee on the protection, Encouragement and introduction of birds within the Cemetery".

Repairs of Chapel Floor

On motion of Mr. Turner it was

Voted. – that the President and Mr. N. J. Bradlee be a Committee with power to examine, and, if necessary, to put in repair, any part of the Chapel floor and foundation which may have been disturbed by the introduction of the hot air flue in that building.

Repairs on the Tombs of Mrs. Ezra Trull and Henry Blaney (3948) (3949.)

'A report was received from Mr. N. J. Bradlee, in behalf of the Committee appointed to consider the subject of repairs on the tombs of ^Mrs. Ezra Trull and Henry Blaney, recommending the making of such repairs as may appear to be necessary to put the tombs in good order at the expense of Mount Auburn Cemetery, at such early time as may be convenient to the Superintendent.

Voted. – that the above report be accepted, and that the Superintendent be instructed to make the contemplated repairs, under the direction of the Committee.

Statement &c. of Treasurer.

The Treasuer having submitted his "Statement for 2d quarter, ending " together with "Trial Balance

Last edit about 2 years ago by Elizabeth Casner
Trustees Records, Vol. 5, 1870 (page 359)

Trustees Records, Vol. 5, 1870 (page 359)


Trustees, .

Henry Blaney, Prop. of Lot #3949, Proposal to Mortgage Tomb

a correspondence between Mr Henry Blaney, proprietor of Lot No 3949 and the Superintendent with reference to mortgaging his said Lot and tomb thereon; Mr Blaney's letter bearing date , and the Superintendent's reply the of the same period.

The same having been read and considered, it was

Voted, – that said correspondence be placed on file.

*Francis Gould & Wm Richardson Division of Lots 4335 & 4336 requested

Mr Snow also submitted a communication dated , from parties interested in the estate of Francis Gould, late proprietor of Lot #4336, and from William Richardson, proprietor of Lot #4335, requesting a re-location and division of the two lots aforesaid into three lots, in accordance with a plan by them submitted.

Voted, – that said communication be referred to the Committee on Lots.

By-Law revision. Com. of Props thereon, Com. of Trustees app. to confer with, etc.

On motion of Mr Little, it was

Voted, – that the President, and Messrs. Choate, J. T. Bradlee and Snow be a committee to confer with the Committee on By-Laws appointed at the last annual meeting, in regard to the printed report prepared by said Committee, for the purpose of ascertaining what, if any, changes they are willing to make in said report.

The President called the attention of the Board to the vote adopted by the Proprietors at their last annual meeting requesting the Trustees "to enquire

Last edit about 2 years ago by Elizabeth Casner
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