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Geek Weekly #6



Interview with a Newspaper Man

Following a GW #4 contributor's gory evisceration of local writer Michael Corcoran (which was a personally motivated attack and does not represent the opinion of GW's editorial staff), Corcoran gave GW #5 a rave review in the Austin-American Statesman's XL Ent. He got some of his facts wrong (I — LaSuprema — am no stripper. That is Susan's occupation) but here we print pure truth. Susan originally conducted this interview for the Daily Texan in November 1997 but it never ran. Here it is, folks, uncut.

MC: I was a military kid, so I moved all over, but my father retired in Honolulu, so I lived in Hawaii from 1970 to 1984. '84's when I moved to Austin. It was April 1, 1984. Then I moved away in '88 and moved to San Francisco for about six months. I worked for the East Bay Express up there. Then I moved to Chicago in late '88 and lived there until 1992, then I took a job with the Dallas Morning News. So I've pretty much lived all over. But I guess Hawaii would be the place I'd call home.

GW: When did you start writing?

I was going through some stuff to get ready for this — I was gonna show you a few things, but I actually found the very first thing I ever wrote, when I was 7 years old.

[Tape problems ensue]

It's real embarrassing when people come into the room when you're transcribing, because you hear your voice and your questions.

I use headphones.

I always sound like an idiot during interviews. When I worked at the Chicago Sun-Times, I had one assignment with Roger Ebert, there was that movie Boyz in the Hood, and he was interviewing John Singleton and I was interviewing Ice Cube, it was one of those junket things. He was off there interviewing Singleton, and he wasn't even taking notes. And

Last edit almost 5 years ago by guest_user
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