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Pages That Mention Peter Fonda

Geek Weekly #4



could play your guitar with just your head? With your teeth? Hugh: Your teeth could fret and your tongue could strum. Brian: But you wouldn't be able to move your head around. Mark: You could have somebody hold it. Brian: Your head would just be wherever it fell. Mark: So you could only be able to play a couple of frets. GW: Well, maybe one of the bodies could kick one of the heads around. Hugh: It wouldn't know where it is, though, cause it wouldn't be able to see it. Mark: The head would be yelling at the body what to do, but only the head would be able to hear it. So it would get really frustrated. Brian: I'm afraid the lungs would have to come along with the head, cause otherwise there wouldn't be any sound. Unless you had a fan blowing up the back of the head. Anne: Oh, Jesus. GW: Well, there's really large fans pointed towards the stage here. Hugh: So if that happens, help us out then. GW: It's all been used and stuffed up your vagina. Where are the black masters? Hugh: The black masters? Is that like an occult thing? I think they're all, they're...around. Brian: They're aroused, so they're obviously in round holes. Mark: I think I've seen them down there at Carl's Feed & Green. Anne: Carl's Feed & Green? Yeah. Hugh: Talking about the weather and how they're gonna change it. That's one of the things they do. I don't think we can be any more explicit than that, though. Otherwise they may follow us like they do in that movie, where Peter Fonda and Loretta Switt accidentally come across some Satan worshipping group and they follow them all across the Southwest trying to kill them. See, we don't want that to

Last edit about 7 years ago by ClaudiaDurand


happen to us. Have you ever seen that movie? It's two couples, and they somehow see part of a Satanic ritual, then the Satanists are following them all across the southwest trying to kill them. They're in a mobile- not a mobile home, what do you call those things? An RV. Brian: Submarine? Loretta Switt's one couple and Peter Fonda's another? Anne: You mean the one that's pulled by gophers underground? Brian: Underground gopher sub. Hugh: That was MASH/ GW: I was gonna say, about combining a submarine and the southwest, there's not to many oceans to hide in. Hugh: Yeah, right, so it would be really easy to find and it wouldn't be able to go anywhere, so it's not a submarine or it wouldn't have been much of a movie. Brian: Yeah, I'm sorry, I was thinking of MASH. GW: How was Live? How was the cash? the crowds? the riders? Mark: They got massages before they would play. Anne: Every night a different masseuse would come in, like a local masseuse was hired in to give them massages. Hugh: We got to watch once. Anne: And one time I didn't get to go to the bathroom because they set up in the women's bathroom in the venue because the entire traveling crew in Live was men- I think there was one woman besides me- so they just took over the women's bathroom to give massages, so I had to wait till they were done. Brian: There was never a single comment on anyone's part about us as a band- our music, I mean. Not one. Nobody ever said anything. Anne: Nobody in Live ever talked about music. They never discussed their music, they never discussed ours, they never discussed any music. Hugh: We got into some of that with the Pete Droge people, though. We got to be pretty friendly with him and the

Last edit about 7 years ago by ClaudiaDurand
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