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Pages That Mention Jennifer LaSuprema

Geek Weekly #1

GW#1 - p2 (Howdy.)

GW#1 - p2 (Howdy.)


Ok, so I've been saying I was gonna do this for a few months now and here I am doing it, I can't fucking believe it! I am soooo proud!

I really hope some people like what I'm doin' here, cuz I know how graet it is to just fall in love with someone's zine. Please write me letters and send shit to trade cuz I just recently moved and realized how much shit I own and if you write me maybe I'll send you some of it. I love havin' cool shit, but maybe I oughtta do a little tradin' around, you know kinda circulate some shit...

Anyway, I just moved and I'm livin' with this other girl named Jennifer, so it's gonna get kinda confusing, I think. It's a big change livin' in a little, nice wood house really close to the Drag, with a GIRL instead of being like the only girl in a punk house with all these boys everywhere. It's not that I don't dig boys or anything, it's just crazy to live with 'em, especially the ones I was livin, with.

So, I expect lots of visitors, bein' so centrally located and all, and I also expect lots of mail!!

enjoy, Jennifer. 2715-A Hemphill Park Austin, TX 78705

Just send me some stamps or some cool shit or a zine or some money or something if you want another copy of this.

[image of boy and girl farming]

Last edit about 7 years ago by ClaudiaDurand

Geek Weekly #3

GW#3 - p11 (9)

GW#3 - p11 (9)

[photocopied clip art of the dictionary illustrations of 'antiaircraft gun' and 'anchovy', and 'The Devil lies in wait...' with a little devil image]

[the following is handwritten in Jennifer LaSuprema Hecker's hand]

Well, I'm sittin' at home at 12:30 on a friday night brooding. I just got kicked out of Emo's (along with my friend Steve) by some bastard who was just doing his job - fucker! Yeah, I know I shouldn't have ben drinking, but fuck, couldn't he have just taken my beer & made me wear a dunce cap or something? I was there to see the Grifters, my favorite band in the universe. Couldn't his have happened some other time? FUCK! I'm so pissed. Ok, thanx for listening. (Oh, and you, you COMMIE BASTARD MOTHERFUCKING ASSHOLE, if you are reading this, I want you to know I'm gonna carry this to my fucking grave and I hope you reach yours soon.)

[handwriting changes as Steve takes over]]

Same goes for me and yeh you fucker I sure hope I can Help you reach your grave quietly bastard. Steve.

Last edit about 7 years ago by ClaudiaDurand

Geek Weekly #4



Issue Staff: Iron Fist......Jennifer Seasoned Veteran...Susan Vicious Upstart....Steve

And Cameo Apperances by: Jeff Breeze Dave Nickerson Jackie Belvin Ben Hecker Carl Jason Trent(aka Oswald Caligula III) *all uncredited writing was probably done by Jennifer 1,4,5s Pics by Jasmine Jopling

-art by Tim Inklebarger Brien Hindman Trevor Wallace

Product Acquisition Information: Geek Weekly #1 ............................$1.00 Geek Weekly #2 ............................$2.00 Geek Weekly #3 ............................$2.00 Geek Weekly #4 ............................$2.00 Welcome To Austin, Would you Like Some Black Beans On That Stevie Ray Vaughn Album.....................$2.00 Geek Weekly Stickers..........................25c or 5/$1.00 Stickers come in two designs, please specify preference: 1. "Armed At All Points" 2. "Beaver Raised, Beaver Closed" additional slogans will be added upon the release of subsequent issues of GW

Please direct all orders and other correspondence to:

Geek Weekly Intergalactic Headquarters 2002-A Guadalupe #292 Austin, TX 78705

Last edit about 7 years ago by ClaudiaDurand


Table of Contents

Thinking Fellers Union Local 282 an interview by susan and steve.....................1

Memphis, Tennessee jennifer's road trip journal...........................10

Rekkerd Reviews ...........................................16

Minnesota, Chicago and the Grifters Jennifer keeps on travelin'............................18

From the Musty Basement of... ...Steve Deconstructionalist..............................23

An Open Letter To Michael Corcoran Jason Trent flies off the handle.......................24

Nickerson Goes West another failed attempt to escape..........................29

Columbia Breeze a Missouri college scene report......................33

Jackie Takes Manhattan New York as Seen through the eyes of a Louisiana native................................36

Gourmet Cookin' two recipes and hot cookin' tips.........................38

Print Reviews ...........................................40

Railroad Jerk an interview by susan ...............................41

1,4,5s and Teen Titans an interview by susan ...............................49

Tomato Time..............................................57

[clip art of dictionary illustration for 'beavers': "Beavers 1. beaver raised 2. beaver closed"]]

Last edit about 7 years ago by ClaudiaDurand


The Welcome Wagon

Howdy boys and girls. Welcome to the long-awaited debut of the new Geek Weekly. Although this magazine is still ruled by Jennifer and all the decisions are ultimately hers, she is easily persuaded to accept ideas which are not her own (like writing in the third person, for instance). Therefore, I hereby officially invite you to enjoy the fruits of the labor of several of the most luminous stars in today's punk rock, journalistic, and artistic communities. You will read the writings of the lovely and talented Jackie Belvin (actually an actress by trade); the professional and dignified scribe, Jason Trent, constructs a brilliant and rational diatribe; witness GW's first, tentative steps into the world of the internet (write us at; peruse a long distance contribution from Msr. Jeff Breeze of Columbia (Missouri); Susan and Steve ask all the questions you always wanted to ask the rock stars (and they get answers, too); Jennifer LaSuprema takes you on the road (heh, heh) and she also pastes a lot of crap in the white space so the text is harder to read; contemplate the artistic stylings of world-renowned #2 pencil artist, Timothy Inklebarger; and laugh out loud at the riotous humor of Bill Jeffery's cartooning; and see one of the freakish depictions that only Brian Hindman is capable of (this one looks like Norman fucking Rockwell compared to the rest of his stuff). And more!! I think the incredibly long delay of this issue will be justified herein (just like that kick-ass Grand Royal #2).

Your devoted servant, Jennifer LaSuprema

PS- If it wasn't for that damned Ice Storm '96 this would've been out last July.

PS- Don't forget to order your patented, durable, high-quality, double-stitched, burlap-super-safety-steel-toed-waterproof Geek Weekly merchandise. It's goin' fast.

New: email!

Last edit about 7 years ago by ClaudiaDurand
Displaying pages 1 - 5 of 11 in total