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69o Clear. N.W.
Ther. THURS. AUG. 20th, 1885 Wea.

Wm Hinteres' daughter here
for advice & med: I drove
to W S Bonds'. Uncle Henson
& Albert Warfield finished
getting out the stumps in
the drive way to the stable.
Afternoon I took Harriet
over to "Homewood" to call
upon Clara & E Leadbeater.
Uriah & H Kirk went over
to Riverside. After tea
Charley, Dora, Herbert & Willie
went (in our carriage, with
Levi Hills' roan horse) over
to "Highland" to a "Pink Tea", to
raise funds to pay for the new
Lyceum or Hall they have built
over there. Home after 1.a.m.

70 Clear & Cloudy. S.W.
Ther. FRI. AUG. 21, 1885 Wea.

Warm & oppressive day
Our young people came home
from "Highland" about 1.o'clk
this a.m. Herbert Kirk went to
the Cottage after dinner. Wm S.
Bond here in afternoon for medicine
&c. Dan Banks here, also Sarah
Cook to have a tooth extracted.
Wm Hill here for advice &c. After
tea Charley took Herbert Kirk
to Riverside & he went on to
Richd Leas'

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