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a Cream
Take a pint of good cream & spoonfulls of Sack as much
Rose watter 12 Almonds blanc'd and beaten fine stir
in the cream as much sugar as will please you take
the white of one egg beat in it then put in a glass bottle
stop'd close shake it to fro to froth and keep it
for use

To Make Queen Cakes
Take a pound of butter wash it in rose watter then beat it with your hand
till all most to cream have ten eggs ready beat the yolks by them selves
and the whites by themselves the whites beaten to a light froth
Having a pound of flower [doic'd] a sifted a pound of loaf sugar
Mix your flower and sugar together when your butter is all most
cream put your eggs in by the spoonfulls then shake in a littel flower
do so till is all in beating it all the while have half a pound of
currants wash'd and diced then put them in your cake batter
your pans well and sift a little fine sugar on them bake them in a quick oven

To Make Custard
the yolks of 7 eggs and beat them well and mix a littel cold
cream with your eggs and sweeten to your tast with lofe
sugar pounded and half a pint of cold cream to it
with 2 spoonfulls of orange flower watter
and two or 3 drops of oil of cinnamon boil a pint of
cream more, and put to it, having mixed it, put it over
the fire, keep it stiring till it boiles, or, you see it
thickens, then take it of, put it in cups, and send it to the

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