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Puddings &

A Rich Plumb Cake

Take 3/4 of a peck of Flour 10 pd of Currants, 3 pints of Ale Yeast. 3 pints of
Cream, 16 Eggs, 4 pd of Butter, a pint of Sack, 4 grains of musk, 1 ounce
of Mace & Cinamon, a pd & [1/2] of Sugar. let your flour & plumbs be well dry'd,
& mix all yr things together except the Plumbs, Let it Lie half an hour before
a good fire to rise & when yr Oven is ready put in yr Plumbs, an hour & half
will bake it.

Almond Cheese cakes

Take 1/2 a pd of Almonds, blanch & beat them very small with two
spoonfulls of Orange flower Water, then take 1/2 a pd of Loaf Sugar beat
& Sifted 3/4 of a pd of Butter melted almost Cold, 8 Yolks of Eggs, 4 whites
well beat, the yellow peal of a Large Lemon boyled till the bitte-
rness is all gone, beat it well, mix it all well together, bake it in a light
Crust in patty pans. half an hour will bake them.

Ratafia Cheesecakes

A quarter of a pd of sweet Almonds one ounce of bitter, beat them with
a little Sack put to it 3 yolks & one white of Eggs 1/4 a pd of fine Sugar
3 Spoonfulls of Cream bake 'em in a quick Oven beat it well.

Cheese Cakes

Take a quart of Cream boyled with a stick of Cinamon, a blade
of Mace, 1/4 of a pd of butter, & put it in, take it of the fire, & Set it to Cool,
take the Yolks of 10 Eggs the Whites of 4 a Spoonfull of Flour, then mix
all these together, & set them over the Charcoal fire, 'till they be the
thickness of a Custard, sweeten it to yr tast, put in some Orange flower
Water, if you put in Currants you must make it thicker or they will Settle
to the bottom.

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