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Went to Sunday School in
morning and taught Primary. Poured
with rain in the morning.Went to
Sunday School in afternoon.
finished homework in evening.

Thick fog in morning
had two free lessons. but
still had a lot of homework.

Made lentil soup in cookery
2d. Played about in Geography.
Thick fog. Had fire in lounge
but no one came in so had a very
dull time.

Thick fog again. Had
quite a lot of homework, but George
came in and so left most to do in free
lesson. He is going on a Destroyer for
experience and then on lanes path finding.

George's birthday met him in the
morning with a bad of apples, and he had
forgotten it was his birthday. He came in
the evening and we had a ripping time
It was all over the chestnuts and an orange

Not quite so foggy. Broke up for half
term. George came for tea but could
not stay as he had to go to Plymouth
Peggy, Olive and SL. Hump came in evening
and we played games.

Peggy and I went to Little
port with Daddy and Saw Tann's dogs
Brian came in afternoon and was a
nuisince. Played games in evening.

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