



Status: Complete


a Report (Number 218 Book E) which was read

Ald McGuire moves seconded by Ald Quigley
That the report of the License Committee be received
and adopted.

In amendment
Ald RJ Carson moves seconded by Ald Whiting
That the clause relating to the petition of James Robb
be struck out and referred to the Committee for further consideration
which being put was carried and the Report was adopted as

A Circular from the City of Ottawa In Re Amendments
to Assessment Act &c was read and referred to the Court of

A Solicitation from the Publisher of the Sanctuary Journal
was read asking the Council to subscribe for copies. Referred to the
Finance Committee.

A Circular from the City Clerk of St Catherines was read
In Re Maintenance of Police Force &c. Referred to the Finance
Committee to report.

Ald RJ Carson brought up the petitions of Timothy Conley
and Hugh McGuire praying for remissions on Licenses.
Referred to the Committee on Licenses.

Ald Smythe brought up the petition of the Queens University
Association Foot Ball Club praying to be allowed the use of the
Cricket Field.

Ald Smythe moves seconded by Ald McGuire
That if not inconsistant with the terms of the
Cricket Clubs holding the Queens University Association Foot
Ball Club be granted the use of the Cricket Club ground
in the terms of the prayer of the petiiton.

In amendment
Ald Gildersleeve moves seconded by Ald Clements
That the Communication of the Students of Queens
College be referred to the Committee on Parks with power to act
which being put was carried and the original motion was

Ald Crothers brought up the petition of GW Amey & Co.
respecting taxation on new Industry. Referred to the Finance
Committee to report.

Ald Crothers brought up the petition of RM Rose
respecting taxes. Referred to the Court of Revision.

Ald John Carson brought up the petition of Captain
Abbie Thompson praying for the removal of a Gas Lamp Bagot
street. Referred to the Committee on Fire, Water and Gas
to act.

Ald J Carson moves seconded by Ald Quigley
That the usual number of Coal Oil Lamps
be given to the outlying wards for this year. This was referred
to the Committee on Fire, Water and Gas to report therein.


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