



Status: Complete


referred to the Finance Committee to report

A Communication from Messrs Rathbun & Son was read
In Re Taxation

On motion of Ald: Irving seconded by Ald: R.J. Carson
Ordered, that the Communication of H.B. Rathbun
& Son in reference to exemption from Taxes be referred to the
Committee On Finance to report at the next meeting of the

A Communication from Douglas Jones Esquire was
read respecting Taxes

On motion of Ald: R.J. Carson seconded by Ald: Gaskin
Ordered, that the Communication of D. Jones be referred
to the Court of Revision

A Communication from Charles Field was read complaining
of imperfect drainage and claiming damages for certain
articles injured thereby

On motion of Ald: Gaskin seconded by Ald: R.J. Carson
Ordered, that the Communication of Charles Field be
referred to the Finance Committee to report.

Aldermen R.J. and John Carson brought up the petitions
of Joseph Shaw, William Follest and John Boyd respecting Taxes

On motion of Ald: J. Carson seconded by Ald: Gage
Ordered, that the petitions of John Boyd, William Follest
and others be referred to the Court of Revision

Ald: Irving from the Committee on Finance and Accounts
brought up two reports (Numbers 85 & 86 Book E.) which were
read and adopted

On motion of Ald: Gaskin seconded by Ald: Gordon
Ordered, that the Civic Holiday be on the 12th day
of August and that the Mayor be requested to issue the usual
proclamation for the observance of same

On motion of Ald: Gaskin seconded by Ald: R.J. Carson
Ordered, that this Council grant the sum of one
hundred dollars for the purpose of examining documents in Connection
with maintenance of County Gaol and that the Finance Committee
add the same to report to-night

On motion of Ald: Gaskin seconded by Ald: Anglin
Ordered, that in view of the heavy cost in Connection
with the supply of water from the Water Works
to the City and Citizens using the same in Comparison
to other Cities where the works are owned and carried
on by the municipality. Be it therefore resolved
that the following be a Committee. The Mayor, Aldermen
Allen, Irving, Robinson, R.J. Carson, McCammon
and the mover for the purpose of ascertaining if the
present Water Works can be purchased, if so, at what
cost, also an estimate of Cost of bringing water from
Loughborough Lake with the view of supplying the
municipality with Water at a cheaper rate and also the

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The use of a + plus sign in the place of an & ampersand makes a notable difference to accessible browsers. If someone is vision impaired, they may be using the browser to read the text for them (the technology to do this is built in and a more complex discussion).

+ will be read as 'plus' and & will be read as 'and'. Sometimes digitizing documents need text layout changes to make more sense or logical flow for the listener. Layout changes should not of course change the context of the document.


You make an excellent point, Khufu (if I may say so)