



Status: Needs Review


The villas stand in the outskirts of the town
on the East, South and West. They present an
interesting variety of plans and structure.
They are much richer in details than any we
have seen. The windows are large and many
of them like the portals handsomely carved.

The villas have each the large enclosure
with the main house above gnd and smaller
dependances along the wall, sometimes
opposite, sometimes along one of the side walls.

The vestibules are nearly all of one type -
two broad arches with a lintel centered between
them. In many cases there is a second
story above the vestibule forming a sort of tower
with portico ledge. In one of these vestibules
at the eastern side of the town is a lintel with
a Greek insc giving the date 395 A.D. (W.R.P. GK insc 210)
Another south of the town has an open colonnade
of sq piers in the upper part of the side wall
above the ruins of the buildings between the house
and the gate tower. In this villa, the house front
is unusually fine in mouldings - one extends

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