


Status: Complete

leaving a wide furrow for the big basket and
the other man. The other fellow ( I shall
for convenience refer to them as the fat man
and the other fellow) was an insignificant
looking mortal, rather carelessly attired and
wearing a mustache resembling the mud
in color.

After a great deal of fussing, they man-
aged to find room for themselves and the
basket in a double seat. The two soon
became familiar with their surroundings
and began to talk loudly enough for every-
one to hear. The more I listened and ob-
served , the more I wondered who they were
and what were the contents of the big
clothes basket of which they seemd so
careful and which they eyed so lovingly.
It was not long however before the pair
began to enlighten us. I gleaned from their
conversation that they were students belong-

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