


Status: Complete

Spencer Sheet. is rove of following. The end is taken and rove through a block seized on the clue of the sail and from there is is rove through a jingle block which is hooked to an eyebolt in the deck and from there back again through the block on the clue of the sail and then made fast to a pin lashed to the block hooked at the eye bolt.

Fore Royal Sheet. Is rove as following. One end is rove through the leading block on the ground shroud up through the fairleader through the top and between the topmast shrouds through the quarter block on the topgall out yard and through the [PINE?] hole on the end of the same yard and then bent to the clue of the sail the other part remaining on deck.

Foretop Gallant Sheet. Is rove as following. The end is rove from the deck up through a leading block on the third shroud and through a track on the same shroud and then up through the quarter block on the foretop sail yard and then through a [PINE?] hole on the end of the same yard and bent the clue of the sail the other oart remaining on deck.

Fore Topsail sheet. Is rove as following. One end is taken from the deck and move through the quarter block on the fore yard and from there through a shrive hole on the end of the same yard and bent on to the clue of the sail.

Fore Sheet. reeves thus. On one end is fixed a hook which is hooked on a bolt in the side and then rove through a block on the clue of the sail and afterwards rove through a [PINE?] hole through the chock in the side and then made flat on the deck.

Flying Gibb sheet. Is rove as following. It consists of only a single part which is bent on the clue of the sail and then comes in on deck.

Gibb Sheet. Is rove as following. It consists of a whip and pendant the handcut is seized on the clue of the sail. A rove end of the pendant is a block through which the whip reaves and then reaves through a hole in the side and is confined by a knot. The other end coming in on deck.

Topmast Staysail Sheet. Is rove after the same manner that the Jibb sheet is.

Top gt [GALLANT] Studding sail sheet. Is rove as following. The end is bent on to the clue of the sail and then roves down in the top.

Topmast Studding sail sheet. Is rove as following. The end is taken up and bent on the clue of the sail and comes down forward of the fore yard on the deck.

Lower Studding sail sheet. Is carried from the deck and bent on the clue of the sail.

Flying jibb down haul is rove as follows. The end is taken and rove through a hole in the [KNIGHTHEAD?] and from there through a fair leader on the bowsprit and then rove through a block on G end of the bowl then through some of the barks and made fast to the head of the sail.

Jibb down haul is rove through a hole in the [KNIGHT HEAD?] and through the fairleads and then through a block on the end of the jibb bowl and through some of the baks and bent on the head of the sail.

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