



Status: Needs Review

B. Rosenthal
Aug. '91 $85.00

Biblia Latina.
Basel: Johann Froben, 27 June 1491 8°
Ref: Goff B592 HC 3107 Pell 2329 Polain (B) 664 BMC III 789
GW 4269 Pr 7755 IGI 1674. (157 x 110 mm)

O.T. Jeremiah XLVI → XLVVIII Pii
Double column (Interpretationes' Triple column) 56.1 + headline.
Initial spaces c guide letters. Types 1:86 G (title, headline,
headings), 2:62 G (marginalia) 3:44 G (text).
BMC 494 leaves, the 5th blank 125 (131-2) x 76-7 (90) mm.
Types: 86 - medium Gothic text type, single hyphen - in use
1491-6 + in 1498 (title, headlines + headings)
62a, verses + some headings in 1st quire.
44, text - very small Gothic type in use in 1491-5 + in 1498.
Capital spaces c guide letters.
The headlines give the names of the books.
Sig: [*]4; a-y A-Z8; 1-108114118; A-D8E6
The 1st octavo Bible; Froben's 1st book, J. Froben, founder of a
great printers' dynasty + friend of Erasmus, had worked earlier
in Amerbach's shop. This, his 1st independent production, established
a new format for the printed Vulgate. He advertized the
novelty in the prefatory Exhortatio, saying it had better be
called a Bibliola than a Biblia. Of the 75 Vulgate + glossed
Vulgate ed. preceding Froben's, 70 (including all Transalpine)
editions were folios, + 5 were quartos. Like a number of
earlier editions, starting c Amerbach's of 1479, Froben's
includes 3 couplets, before the colophon, claiming that it was
drawn from Greek + Hebrew sources (Fontibus ex graecis....);
like these, it provides marginal concordances. Original to
Froben's ed. are the prefatory Exhortatio + Summarium Bible,
the Registra or summaries prefixed to each Gospel. + the
extension to all the books of the Bible of marginal chapter

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