Spread 49




Status: Complete

Year: 1928

Name of Deceased: First and Middle Name of Deceased: Last Address of Deceased Place of Death Physicians Name: First and Middle Physicians Name: Last Age at Death (Year) Date of Death (Month) Date of Death (Day) Name of Beneficiary: First and Middle Name of Beneficiary: Last Address of Beneficiary To Whom Paid: First and Middle To Whom Paid: Last Cause of Death
Alberta Watty Wilkens Millenbeck, Va. Millenbeck, Va. G. H. Stewart 69 October 23 William Watty Waddy Millenbeck, Va. William Watty Waddy Cancer of Uterus
Julia Richards 411 N. Caroline St. 411 N. Caroline St. R. J. Greene 56 October 29 Ella Richards 411 N. Caroline St. Ella Richards Chronic Valvular Heart Disease
Aquilla Banks 723 N. Central Ave. 723 N. Central Ave. C. H. Fowler 64 October 27 Arthur Banks 723 N. Central Ave. Arthur Banks Acute Nephritis Exhaustion
Era G. Gliver 1734 McCulloh St. 1734 McCulloh St. B. M. Rhetta 16 November 1 Birdie E. Gliver 1734 McCulloh St. Birdie E. Gliver Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Fred Catlin 426 Arlington Ave 426 Arlington Ave Chas. H. Brooks 51 October 31 Viola Catlin 426 Arlington Ave Viola Catlin Acute Myocarditis
Fred Catlin 426 Arlington Ave 426 Arlington Ave Chas. H. Brooks 51 October 31 Pearl Catlin 426 Arlington Ave Pearl Catlin Acute Myocarditis
William Palmer 757 W. Saratoga St. 757 W. Saratoga St. Eugene Zeller 48 October 31 Bertie Palmer 757 W. Saratoga St. Bertie Palmer Acute Indigestion
George Matthews 1305 Bayard St. 1305 Bayard St. J. M. Hray 52 November 3 Emily Jiggetts 1305 Bayard St. Emily Jiggetts Apoplexy
Emma Gant 831 D. Hill Ave. 831 D. Hill Ave. W. J. Jackson 53 November 3 Eva Webster 831 D. Hill Ave. Eva Webster Cerebral Hemorrhage
Clarence Dans 1603 Argyle Ave. 1603 Argyle Ave. W. R. Byken 46 November 2 Marion Davis 1603 Argyle Ave. Marion Davis Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Arthur Riley 1152 Shields Al. 1152 Shields Alley F. C. Link 30 November 5 Florence Ringgold 329 W. Biddle St. Florence Ringgold Interstial Nephritis
Howard Wolfort 758 Bradley St. Balto. City Hospital R. M. Nick 57 October 6 Magnolia Lundy Cousin 758 Bradley St. Magnolia Lundy Cousin Hypertrophy of Prostrate - Uremia
Elizabeth Johnson 159 W. Henrietta St. 159 W. Henrietta St. R. G. Chissell 60 November 7 Thomas Williams 159 W. Henrietta St. Thomas Williams Apoplexy, Cerebral Hemorrhage
Hossey Foard 1237 E. Monument St. 1237 E. Monument St. J. Edw. Fisher 41 November 5 Cora Foard 829 Hillen St. Cora Foard Valvular Heart Disease, Cardial Asthma
Joseph Henderson 554 Orchard St. 554 Orchard St. F. C. Link 68 October 31 Martha Henderson 917 Arlington Ave. Mrs. George Holland, Undertaker Chronic Interstial Nephritis
Mary Gaines Rt. 2, Princess Ann, Md. Mt. Vernon 59 October 31 George Gaines Princess Ann, Md. George Gaines Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Walter Bailey Boyds, Md. Boyds, Md. I. N. Simpkins 62 October 29 Sadie Moore Germantown, Md. Sadie Moore Bright Disease
Abraham Hunt 1224 W. Lafayette Ave. Balto. City Hospital W. W. Chrisman 60 November 8 Mary E. Hunt 1224 W. Lafayette Ave. Mary E. Hunt Mtocardial Insufficiency, Broncho Pneumonia
Bernice Hicks 1134 Brewer St. 1134 Brewer St. R. J. Young 12 November 8 Harney Hicks 937 Rutland Ave. Harney Hicks Pericarditis Tonsillitis, Endocarditis
Benjamin Sherman 1113 Myrtle Ave Balto. City Hospital J. E. Moran 70 November 8 Wm. Nelson 1127 McCulloh St. Wm. Nelson Broncho Pneumonia, Myocardial Failure
Edw. Bates 224 N. Arlington Ave. Balto. City Hospital H. C. Smith 32 October 12 Dorum Hill 22 Amity St. Dorum Hill Acute Pulmonary Tub., Acute Myocardial Failure
Wm. Fisher 1135 Carrollton Ave. Provident Hospital F. C. Link 48 November 3 Addie Schofield Fisher 1135 N. Carrollton Ave. Addie Schofield Fisher Fractured Skull
John R. Carr 534 W. Lee St. 534 W. Lee St. C. H. Fowler 45 November 12 Henrietta Todd 534 W. Lee St. Henrietta Todd Asthema Heart Failure
Richard Brown 1615 Baker St. 1615 Baker St. A. B. Glasirck 51 November 13 Sophia Brown 1615 Baker St. Sophia Brown Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Heart Asthema Debility

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Skipped the 5th entry. The image shows that record with a red-line strikeout with a note that appears to say "entered twice".