Mutual Benefit Society Death Register, October 1926 - June 1938



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Last edit 10 months ago by Megan Kean
Spread 1

Spread 1

Year: 1926

Name of Deceased: First and Middle Name of Deceased: Last Address of Deceased Place of Death Physicians Name: First and Middle Physicians Name: Last Age at Death (Year) Date of Death (Month) Date of Death (Day) Name of Beneficiary: First and Middle Name of Beneficiary: Last Address of Beneficiary To Whom Paid: First and Middle To Whom Paid: Last Cause of Death
[missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] October 12 Amanda Freeland 307 Myrtle Ave Amanda Freeland Gastric Ulcer Hemorrhage
[missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] October 10 Annie M. Hearn 16 So. 4th St. Crisfield Md Annie M. Hearn Injury from fall
[missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] October 14 Lollie Ross Taylor 1538 N. Carey St. Lollie Ross Taylor Cerebral Hemorrhage
[missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] October 14 Mazie Bridget 633 Pitcher St. Mazie Bridget Cerebral Hemorrhage
[missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] October 10 Annie Lee Ridgee Md Annie Lee Typhoid Fever
[missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] October 3 Mary Hawkins 300 N Parrish St. Mary Hawkins Accidental Death Killed by Rail Road Train
[missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] October 16 Lena Mahone 1203 Chatham [sic] Lena Mahone Broken compensation Failure of heart
[missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] September 25 Richard E. Burke 400 N Tennesee Ave Atlantic City N.J. Richard E. Burke Heart complication
[missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] October 7 Edith Lee 733 W. Saratoga St. Edith Lee Heart failure
[missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] October 19 Charles Waters 404 Penna Ave Charles Waters Broken compensation
[missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] October 13 Ida Downing Crisfield Md Ida Downing Gastro [Enteritis?]
[missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] October 19 Ida McCoy 1513 N. Mount St Ida McCoy Chr. Mitral Insufficiency
[missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] October 15 Allen Edwards Lyons 319 W. Hoffman St. Allen Edwards Lyons Tuberculosis of Lungs
[missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] October 19 John B. Jackson Island Creek Md John B. Jackson Cancer of jaw
[missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] October 20 Jane Williams Ridgely St. Mt. Miriam Jane Williams Cardiac Insufficiency
[missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] October 19 Minnie Russell 1328 Whatcoat St. Minnie Russell Chronic Vascular heart disease
[missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] October 21 Sam A. Lewis 2203 D. Hill Ave Sam A. Lewis General Paralysis
[missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] October 2 Lizzie Merritt Lizzie Merritt Necropsy Heart failure
[missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] October 20 Mary E. Adley 307 S. Dallas St Mary E. Adley Alcoholism
[missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] October 17 Mary Johnson 427 Merryman's La Mary Johnson Traocnatic Nephritis
[missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] October 21 Gertrude Riley Cecillton Md Gertrude Riley Chronic Nephritis
[missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] October 23 Robert H. Soyles 701 S. 200th St. Phila. Pa Robert H. Soyles Pulmonary Tuberculosis
[missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] October 24 Rebecca Thompson 214 N. Mount St. Rebecca Thompson Myocarditis
[missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] October 24 Robert Nickens 131 Myrtle Ave Robert Nickens Acute cardiac dilation
[missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] [missing] October 20 Harley Hammond 10 Catherine St Salisbury Md Harley Hammond Andocarditis
Last edit 10 months ago by mbrockway
Spread 2

Spread 2

Year: 1926

Name of Deceased: First and Middle Name of Deceased: Last Address of Deceased Place of Death Physicians Name: First and Middle Physicians Name: Last Age at Death (Year) Date of Death (Month) Date of Death (Day) Name of Beneficiary: First and Middle Name of Beneficiary: Last Address of Beneficiary To Whom Paid: First and Middle To Whom Paid: Last Cause of Death
Samuel Henson 243 N. Amity St. 243 N. Amity St. W. F. Noville 40 October 26 Viola Hardman 221 N. Amity St. Viola Hardman Pulmonary Gangrene
Samuel Henson 243 N. Amity St. 243 N. Amity St. W. F. Noville 40 October 26 Victoria Henson 243 N. Amity St. Victoria Henson Pulmonary Gangrene
Rosie E. Holland 2479 D. Hill Ave 2479 D. Hill Ave Wm. H. Wright 43 October 22 Hilda Holland 2479 D. Hill Ave Hilda Holland Carcinoma
George Collins 550 W. Biddle St. 550 W. Biddle St. H. K. Pellekian 60 October 19 Francis Collins 550 W. Biddle St Francis Collins Cerebral Hemorrhage
Maggie Branch 1122 Woodyear St. 1122 Woodyear St. J. C. Norton 67 October 26 Edith Buck 1122 Woodyear St. Edith Buck Acute Angina Pectoris
Lucy Gross 745 Ryan St. 745 Ryan St. Dan'l Fisher 50 October 18 William Gross 745 Ryan St William Gross Angina Pectoris
Mary E. Martin Williams 1416 E. Fayette St. 1416 E. Fayette St. G. C. Allen 49 October 26 Edna, Elta Locks, Jackson 1302 Jefferson St Edna Locks (undertaker) Pulmonary Edema
Trella Hall 680 Pin Alley 680 Pin Alley W. F. Noville 40 October 25 Jas. Bouldin 680 Pin Alley Mrs. Robt. A. Elliott (undertaker) Phthisis Pulmonalis
Laura Harris 1108 Russell St. 1108 Russell St O. W. Reinhurt 60 October 23 Sampson Harris 1108 Russell St Sampson Harris Acute dilatation of the heart
Wm. Ross 709 L. Monument St 709 L. Monument J. T. Hennessy 50 October 14 George Hammond 547 Dolphin St George Hammond Cerebral Hemorrhage
John Hammond 223 N. Bruce St in front of 1101 Kathland Ave J. T. Hennessy 35 September 27 Bessie Snowden 242 Bowers St Emma, Katie Hammond, Williams (undertaker) Organic Heart Disease
John Hammond 223 N. Bruce St in front of 1101 Kathland Ave J. T. Hennessy 35 September 27 Emma Hammond 707 Calhoun St Emma Hammond Organic Heart Disease
Esther Downs 1215 High Alley Balto. City Hosp. W. Bagwell 25 October 30 Annie Ross 1517 Orleans St. Annie Ross Acute Nephritis
Louisa Green 2517 Eight Ave. N. Y. City Harlem Hosp W. H. Schlesinger 80 October 13 Miles Lee 1313 Mosher St Miles Lee Cerebral Hemorrhage
Fannie C. Lee 911 Jordan Al. 911 Jordan Alley G. C. Blades 4 October 31 Johannah Lee 911 Jordan Alley Johannah Lee Broncho. Pnuemonia
Lucretia G. Jenkins 2009 D. Hill Ave 2009 D. Hill Ave H. S. McCard 40 October 30 C. Henry Jenkins 2009 D. Hill Ave C. Henry Jenkins Acute Indigestion
Herman Thomas 2505 Oxford St. Phila Pa. Nat. Sant. Tenn. D. Kimbrough 37 October 26 Laura Jackson 705 N. Carey St Laura Jackson Pulm. Tuberculosis
James Pack 1706 Orleans St. J. H. Hospital T. W. Schacht 50 November 3 Eleanor Pack 1706 Orlean St Eleanor Pack Pulmonary Infarct.
Alice Powell 693 Mulberry St. Balto. City Hospital C. Hooper Smith 33 November 3 Viola Nash 802 W. Franklin St Viola Nash Broncho Pneumonia
Nelson Scott 125 N. Amity St. 125 N. Amity St. Cardoza 40 November 6 James W. Scott 14 N. Mount St James W. Scott Acute Catarrhal Jaundice
Nelson Scott 125 N. Amity St. 125 N. Amity St. Cardoza 40 November 6 Susie Scott 125 N. Amity St Susie Scott Acute Catarrhal Jaundice
Martha Stokes 1606 W. Franklin St. 1606 W. Franklin St. J. B. Hawkins 74 November 7 Ida, Mary Dyson, Johnson 1606 W. Franklin St. Ida, Mary Dyson, Johnson Chronic Myocarditis
Richard Young 827 Ostend St. 827 Ostend St. B. French 65 November 9 Alice Young 827 Ostend St. Alice Young Pneumonia
John D. Scott 1936 White St. 1936 White St. Wm. H. Wright 53 November 5 Clara Scott 1936 White St. Clara Scott Gastric Carcinoma
Martha Gray 227 N. Poppleton St. Balto. City Hosp. H. Goldsmith 51 November 8 Genesta Callaman Bridges 227 N. Poppleton St. Genesta Callaman Bridges Broncho. Pneumonia
Last edit 10 months ago by mbrockway
Spread 3

Spread 3

Year: 1926

Name of Deceased: First and Middle Name of Deceased: Last Address of Deceased Place of Death Physicians Name: First and Middle Physicians Name: Last Age at Death (Year) Date of Death (Month) Date of Death (Day) Name of Beneficiary: First and Middle Name of Beneficiary: Last Address of Beneficiary To Whom Paid: First and Middle To Whom Paid: Last Cause of Death
Martha Gray 227 N. Poppleton St. Baltimore City Hosp. H. Goldsmith 51 November 8 Clarence M. Diggs 227 N. Poppleton St. Clarence M. Diggs Broncho Pneumonia
Mary A. Sampson 3528 N. Carlisle St. Phila Pa 3528 N. Carlisle St. Phila Pa Wilson 62 November 5 Mary Dorsey 3528 Carlisle St. Phila Pa Mary Dorsey General Weakness, Senility
Philip Somerville St. Inigoes Md. St. Inigoes Md. J. O. King 56 October 30 Emma Johnson Ridge Md. Emma Johnson Asthma, Kidney Heart Trouble
John H. Holmes 1632 E. Madison St 1632 E. Madison St. Geo. S. Allen 46 November 5 Lizzie Holmes 609 Gilbert St. Lizzie Holmes Chronic Valvular heart disease
Thomas H. Potts Near Millington Md Easton Md W. N. Palmer 51 November 1 Helen Potts Millington Md Helen Potts Acute appendicitis, Epilepsy
Gideon Johnson Lusby Md. Lusby Md. J. M. King 64 October 28 Lucy Johnson Lusby Md. Lucy Johnson Cerebral Hemorrhage
John Pearson 724 Kirch Ct. 724 Kirch Ct. R. J. Young 46 November 11 Mandy McClain 722 Sapp St. Mandy McClain Hypo Static Pneumonia
Cora Hall 1333 Shields Al. 1333 Shields Al W. Cardoza 55 November 14 Cora B. Gaines 1411 Argyle Ave Cora B. Gaines Endocarditis
Ellen Tuggle 404 N. Ann St. John Hopkins Hosp. J. K. Hoerner 29 November 13 Emma Trimble 404 N. Ann St. Emma Trimble Peritonitis, Terminal Uremia
Blanch Beane 1335 N. Calhoun St. 1335 N. Calhoun St. A. L. Ellis 25 November 9 Ernest Beane 1335 N. Calhoun St Ernest Beane T. B. Peritonitis
William Brooks 2212 Etting St. 2212 Etting St A. L. Ellis 62 November 9 Mamie Brooks 2212 Elling St Mamie Brooks Acute Nephritis
Mary Jones 1614 W. Lexington St. 1614 W. Lexington St. W. H. Wright 60 November 15 Julia Matthews 1614 W. Lexington St Julia Matthews Hemiplegia
Mary Jones 1614 W. Lexington St. 1614 W. Lexington St. W. H. Wright 60 November 15 Henrietta Jones 1614 W. Lexington St Henrietta Jones Hemiplegia
Rufus Marshall or Morsell 643 W. Hoffman St. Balto. Md. I. I. Terry 43 November 16 Florence Cole 1401 Madison Ave Florence Cole Carcinoma of Stomach
William H. Johnson 1100 E. Lombard St. Balto. City Hospital T. Hooper Smith 71 November 14 William Myers 1529 E. Pratt St William Myers Myocardial failure
Edward Hillard 1510 W. Lanvale St 1510 W. Lanvale St G. C. Blades 44 November 17 Ida Bulter 1510 W. Lanvale St Ida Bulter Mitral Stenosis
Isabella Johnson 10 W. Hughes St Balto. City Hospital H. Goldsmith 22 November 20 Nellie Brown 608 W. Lee St Nellie Brown Cardiac Failure
Rufus Watts La Plata Md La Plata Md. coroner 30 November 9 Eliza Watts La Plata Md Eliza Watts Tornado accident
John Abney 604 Pitcher St Md. St. Sanatorium J. E. O'Neil 23 November 21 Martha Abney 604 Pitcher St. Martha Abney Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Ellen S. Kane 1635 E. Madison St 1635 E. Madison St R. J. Young 46 November 18 Esther Alston Austin 1635 E. Madison St Esther Alston Austin Uremia and Severe Bronchitis
Harriet [Gibson] Stevensville Md Stevensville Md. C. E. Snyder 65 November 13 Chas. G. Robinson Stevensville Md Chas. G. Robinson Lobar Pneumonia
Harry Clark 1448 Block St 1448 Block St Harry F. Brown 56 November 21 Alice Gross 1626 Madison Ave Alice Gross Cerebral Hemorrhage
George Jenkins 1219 Waverly St Phila Pa 1219 Waverly St Phila Pa C. R. Craig 40 November 23 Ida Gill 1222 Etting St Ida Gill Acute dilatation of heart rupture
William Hoston 604 Pitcher St 604 Pitcher St F. E. Wagner 43 November 25 Carrie Miller-Hoston 604 Pitcher St Carrie Miller-Hoston
Carrie Watkins 1515 Winchester St. Balto. City Hosp W. 47 November 24 Julia Washington 1515 Winchester St. Julia Washington Broncho Pneumonia
Mary Banks David Banks Robt. E. Williams
Last edit 10 months ago by mbrockway
Spread 4

Spread 4

Year: 1926

Name of Deceased: First and Middle Name of Deceased: Last Address of Deceased Place of Death Physicians Name: First and Middle Physicians Name: Last Age at Death (Year) Date of Death (Month) Date of Death (Day) Name of Beneficiary: First and Middle Name of Beneficiary: Last Address of Beneficiary To Whom Paid: First and Middle To Whom Paid: Last Cause of Death
Claborne Barksdale 844 S. Sharp St. 844 S. Sharp St D. Carroll 51 Nov 20 Katie Barksdale 844 S. Sharp St. Katie Barksdale Cerebral Hemorrhage
Martha J. Cropper Pocomoke City Md Pocomoke City Md. A. Parker 68 Nov 20 Estella Cropper Pocomoke City Md Estella Cropper Cerebral Hemorrhage
Maurice Morris Gibbs 103 W. West St. 103 W. West Street 42 Nov 24 Chas. Queen 718 Dolphin St. Chas. Queen Gastric Carcimonia
James Pack 429 N. Dallas 429 N. Dallas G. W. Renard 58 Nov 24 Daisy Morton 814 N. Wolfe St. Daisy Morton Apoplexy
Annie Johnson Scott 786 W. Mulberry 786 W. Mulberry R.L. Jackson 44 Nov 27 Hattie Dorsey Coates 786 W. Mulberry Hattie Dorsey Coates Broncho Pneumonia
Bell Gibbs Centreville, Md. Centreville, Md. W. H. Fisher 49 Nov 22 Sadie Hollis Centreville, Md. Sadie Hollis Mitral Regurgitation
Charles Savoy 1624 N. Mount St. 1624 N. Mount St. G. C. Blades 4 Dec 2 Mary Savoy 1624 N. Mount St. Mary Savoy Broncho Pneumonia
Thomas E. Jones Col. Y.M.C.A. Col. Y.M.C.A. G. C. Blades 42 Nov 30 Viola Bartlett 1705 Bond St. Viola Bartlett Mitral Stenosis
Elizabeth Curtis 805 N. Fremont Ave. 805 N. Fremont Ave. T. S. Hawkins 50 Dec 1 James T. Custis 805 N. Fremont Ave. James T. Custis Cardiac Vascular Renal
Matthews Hawkins 638 W. Mulberry St Balti. City Hospital T. S. Ayerck 60 Dec 4 Matilda Floyd 754 W. Mulberry St Matilda Floyd Chronic Myocarditis
George Washington Near Scotland Neck, N.C. Near Scotland Neck, N.C. 65 Oct 11 Annie Smith Mary J. & Lucinda Honor Reed & Gaskins
Eliza Messick 517 W. Biddle St. 517 W. Biddle St. Wm. T. Carr 65 Dec 2 Laur F. Dorsey Louisa H. Robinson & Pres. of the Shelter for Aged Colored People Cerebral Hemorrhage
Gamaber Opher 319 Otterbein St. 319 Otterbein St. F. M. Cardoza 40 Dec 8 Mary Opher 319 Otterbein St. Mary Opher Apoplexy
Joseph Collins 707 N. Dallas St. Balti. City Hosp. M. B. 42 Dec 4 Mary Wise 506 N. Spring St. Mary Wise Carcimonia
George E. Miles Crisfield, Md. Lawsonia, Md. W. J. Barkly 72 Oct 27 Aimie R. Ashly Crisfield, Md. Aimie R. Ashly Cerebral Hemorrhage
John Robinson 703 Y Alley 703 Y Alley D. Carroll 49 Dec 9 Wm. Emerson 400 S. Charles St. Wm. Emerson Parenchynatinis Nephritis
Mary Glenn 404 Eislen St. 428 E. 12th St, Wilmington, Del. H. H. Hazel 45 Dec 6 Shan Glenn 1515 Myrtle Ave. Shan Glenn Asthma & Myocarditis
Frank Richardson 413 N. Spring St. 413 N. Spring St. W. B. Butler 43 Dec 9 Cordelia Ashby 413 N. Spring St. Cordelia Ashby Pneumonia
Henry Bennett Hollywood, Md. Hollywood, Md. F. F. Greenwell 62 Nov 20 Lizzie Bennett Hollywood, Md. Marie Elizabeth Bennett Tuberculosis
Joseph Briscoe 2022 Madison Ave. 2022 Madison Ave. E. Wm. Frey 51 Dec 9 Rosa Shipley 2022 Madison Ave. Rosa Shipley Bronchial Asthma
Fernanda Thompson Sixth St., Eastport, Md. Eastport, Md. J. F. Russell 43 Dec 5 Annie Thompson 183 6th St., Eastport, Md. Annie Thompson Tuberculosis
Lottie Bessick 1327 1/2 Myrtle Ave. Johns Hopkins Hospital L. W. Smith 58 Dec 3 Elizabeth Willis 1327 1/2 Myrtle Ave. Elizabeth Willis Shock from Operation
Aaron Cooper 32 S. Caroline St. 32 S. Caroline St. B. Harris 58 Dec 9 Sophia Travers 32 S. Caroline St. Sophia Travers Cardiac Dilation
Blanche G. Chaney 139 W. Hill St. Johns Hopkins Hospital H. C. Smith 30 Dec 12 Mary Chaney 139 W. Hill St. Mary Chaney Cardiac Failure
Mary S. White 1502 Mosher St. Colonial Hospital J. Hilla 56 Dec 13 Lloyd Reed 1502 Mosher St. Jos. A. Lively (Undertaker) Gas Poisoning
Last edit 10 months ago by mbrockway
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