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The Stefansson Arctic Exploration
+ Devel. Co.


V. Stefansson, Esq.,
c/o Amer. Geographical Society,
Broadway at 156th Street,
New York, U.S.A.

Dear Mr. Stefansson,

I enclose statements of Trial Balance, Operations
and Statement of Liabilities of the Company, also a state-
ment of the capital of the company and how it is made up,
which may be of help to you in your present negotiations.

You will notice in the Trial Balance there is a
small balance in the Bank of $23.48, and the statement of
Liabilities shows wages owing amounting to $510.00, made
up as follows:-

A. R. Crawford $ 100.00
F. W. Maurer 50.00
E. Lorne Knight 10.00
Ada Blackjack 350.00

This represents May wages with the exception of Ada Black-
, whom I have not paid for seven months. There was
no necessity to wire this money to Nome, as the expense of
doing this would be considerable. Since the boats, however,
will now be running between Seattle and Nome, I would like
to be able to send a draft by mail for deposit to her ac-
count in Nome.

With regard to the $1500.00 which you sent to pay
off my loan and the deposit of $500.00, I have issued fif-
teen more shares, making a total issued to you to date of
97 shares, as you will see from the statement enclosed.

With regard to the mail for the boys, I dispatched
about two weeks ago several parcels of letters and papers,
which I have been collecting since they left. They are

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