But now to run out of yarn, that might be a
bad omen, might it not?
“April 13th.
I was to some of traps but see nothing and I
fix the slade today and knight one of his legs
stand to swellen again.
April 14th.
I was out to the traps today and got nothing
but I saw fresh tracks behind the camp, and I
open case of biscuits and cut out skins for my
boot soles and I made thread cut of sinew and
gother biscuit crumbs together and take them
out. Very clear and sunshiny.
April 15th.
I was out to the traps they was nothing and
storming looking weather today and I got boot
soles all ready and soaked them and knight
said he was feel bad."
To look at Knight today, nothing but skin and
bone, pain and impatience, and to remember him as he was the
first weeks on the island, was to see two different people.
That other Knight had been strong of body and strong of mind,
so sure of himself and so much too busy to try to understand
even for a moment what it was like to be a woman. True, no
man did understand that, ever, but this one seemed blinder
than most and so did the others, Maurer and Galle, and Crawford
too. And how was she, a native woman, to speak to white men
about such a thing as her anguish when the moon cycle came
upon her?
To be sure, that was never a matter of great
consequence to a man. Even to women she had known, any woman
of her own people, it was simply a thing that happened each
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