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34 revisions | Samara Cary at May 15, 2024 05:23 PM stefansson-wrangel-09-25-006-012- 12 -
[[Galle, Milton Harvey Robert, 1902-1923|Galle]] saw a bear to the north of camp. He and [[Maurer, Frederick W., 1893-1923|Maurer]] went after him but the
bear saw them and ran to the west. They gave chase, as the bear had been
wounded when he started to run. When about three miles west of camp the
pursued bear was rapidly gaining when a female bear with two cubs was seen approaching from the west. She came to where the boys were hidden and they
killed the old bear and one cub, the other cub getting away. I went to help
them. After finishing skinning, [[Maurer, Frederick W., 1893-1923|Maurer]] returned to camp and [[Galle, Milton Harvey Robert, 1902-1923|Galle]] and I lay
in wait for a large bear and a cub approaching from the west. Darkness, however,
coming on and the approaching bears' course rather uncertain, we returned to
camp. Eight bears were seen to-day and literally hundreds of tracks."
On October 13th: "[[Galle, Milton Harvey Robert, 1902-1923|Galle]] and [[Crawford, Allan R., 1901-1923|Crawford]] were just starting
to take a walk to the westward when [[Galle, Milton Harvey Robert, 1902-1923|Galle]], who seems to always see things
first, saw a bear near camp to the east. (They) immediately shot and wounded
her slightly and she took to the water. I ran along the beach abreast of her
and shot her through the head. She was about a two-year-old with not as much
blubber as the bears we have killed formerly." On October 14th "[[Crawford, Allan R., 1901-1923|Crawford]] and
[[Galle, Milton Harvey Robert, 1902-1923|Galle]] took a walk to the westward and did a little exploring. We had an idea
we were perhaps nearly to the west end of the [[Wrangel Island (Russia)|island]]. They are sure that
they saw a mountain at least thirty miles farther west. We think now that
we are a little east of [[Doubtful Harbor (Wrangel Island)|Doubtful Harbor]]."
It is possible to infer from the entry for October 17th
that by then enough snow had come for sledging. But the sea was still free
of ice and sealing, therefore, impossible.
On November 3rd "[[Crawford, Allan R., 1901-1923|Crawford]] and [[Galle, Milton Harvey Robert, 1902-1923|Galle]], each with a back pack,
started - 12 - Galle saw a bear to the north of camp. He and Maurer went after him but the On October 13th: "Galle and Crawford were just starting It is possible to infer from the entry for October 17th On November 3rd "Crawford and Galle, each with a back pack, stefansson-wrangel-09-25-006-012- 12 -
[[Galle, Milton Harvey Robert, 1902-1923|Galle]] saw a bear to the north of camp. He and [[Maurer, Frederick W., 1893-1923|Maurer]] went after him but the
bear saw them and ran to the west. They gave chase, as the bear had been
wounded when he started to run. When about three miles west of camp the
pursued bear was rapidly gaining when a female bear with two cubs was seen approaching from the west. She came to where the boys were hidden and they
killed the old bear and one cub, the other cub getting away. I went to help
them. After finishing skinning, [[Maurer, Frederick W., 1893-1923|Maurer]] returned to camp and [[Galle, Milton Harvey Robert, 1902-1923|Galle]] and I lay
in wait for a large bear and a cub approaching from the west. Darkness, however,
coming on and the approaching bears' course rather uncertain, we returned to
camp. Eight bears were seen to-day and literally hundreds of tracks."
On October 13th: "[[Galle, Milton Harvey Robert, 1902-1923|Galle]] and [[Crawford, Allan R., 1901-1923|Crawford]] were just starting
to take a walk to the westward when [[Galle, Milton Harvey Robert, 1902-1923|Galle]], who seems to always see things
first, saw a bear near camp to the east. (They) immediately shot and wounded
her slightly and she took to the water. I ran along the beach abreast of her
and shot her through the head. She was about a two-year-old with not as much
blubber as the bears we have killed formerly." On October 14th "[[Crawford, Allan R., 1901-1923|Crawford]] and
[[Galle, Milton Harvey Robert, 1902-1923|Galle]] took a walk to the westward and did a little exploring. We had an idea
we were perhaps nearly to the west end of the [[Wrangel Island (Russia)|island]]. They are sure that
they saw a mountain at least thirty miles farther west. We think now that
we are a little east of [[Doubtful Harbor (Wrangel Island)|Doubtful Harbor]]."
It is possible to infer from the entry for October 17th
that by then enough snow had come for sledging. But the sea was still free
of ice and sealing, therefore, impossible.
On November 3rd "[[Crawford, Allan R., 1901-1923|Crawford]] and [[Galle, Milton Harvey Robert, 1902-1923|Galle]], each with a back pack,
started - 12 - Galle saw a bear to the north of camp. He and Maurer went after him but the On October 13th: "Galle and Crawford were just starting It is possible to infer from the entry for October 17th On November 3rd "Crawford and Galle, each with a back pack, |