



Status: Indexed


At the last moment I have been induced to destroy
a large part of the present chapter and to rewrite many parts
of a book that had already been set up in type.

My chief concern is to make straight the record
of the gallant men who died on Wrangel Island. Within a week of
going to press, Mr. Noice on his own initiative prepared and has
authorized me to publish the following explanation and apology.

New York,

Mr Vilhjalmur Stefansson,
American Geographical Society,
Broadway at 156th Street,
New York, N^Y


On my return last week from Brazil where I have
spent six months, mainly in recuperating after a very severe
attack of nervous prostration, I re-read the documents of the
Wrangle Island Expedition with the exception of Milton Galle's
diary; and I have also re-read the stories which appeared in
the newspapers over my signature. I am glad to take this
opportunity of correcting some misjudgements. Having spent a
number of years in the Arctic and loving the Arctic and
believing in it as a habitable place, I wanted to show that
Wrangel Island was valuable, a very good game country, a desireable
place to live, as we Northerners judge places. But the general
effect of my stories as published in the newspapers seems to lose
that idea in some sentimental writing which over-emphasizes the
"hardships" and drawbacks of the North.

Those stories were given out verbally in interviews

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