





Dear Delphine:

As you probably know, the Crawford family are very bitter against Lorne Knight, considering that Mr. Noice has been right in blaming the Wrangel Island misfortunes to considerable extent on his incompetence. This unjustified feeling most extend a little to Fred also, for he no less than Knight was experienced.

You will remember that Fred's letter to you contains the phrase, "Knight claims to be afflicted with the scurvy." The Crawford family have communicated directly with my publishers, saying that this letter should be published. I feel pretty certain from the reports I get from Toronto that their chief motive for wanting the letter published is that it reflects on Lorne Knight. My friends who give me this information from Toronto may be entirely wrong, but in any case the sentence would give the reading public an unpleasant impression. They would forget how marvelous it in that four men should get along so smoothly for two years and over-emphasize this small indication of friction.

I do not in general believe in publishing a letter unless we can give it verbatim. This letter contains so many intimate things addressed to you that this seems to me a second reason for not publishing it.

I am writing to-day to John Maurer with regard to the letter from the Crawford family that urges publication of Fred's letter to you. I am suggesting to Mr. Maurer that all of you who are most intimately concerned should get together on this subject. Of course, if you should agree that the letter ought to be published, I would fall in with your wish, although it would be against my own judgment.

I have no doubt you will hear from Mr. Maurer about this in a day or two. There really is a good deal of hurry, for the book should be going to press.

Mrs. Delphine Maurer, 911 Robbins Avenue, Niles, Ohio.

Last edit 12 days ago by Samara Cary
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