






Dear Delphine:

Thanks for your kind note of October 7th. If I am in Ohio anywhere near you I shall, of course, let you know. So far I have not been booked in Ohio except in Toledo October 24th, and that is a long way from you.

The Australian tour was very successful financially for my manager, for we had very large audiences. This financial success was unfortunately not mine, for I was on a definite salary. However, I can make a good deal of money if I want to go next year, for they have offered me double the pay I received this year. What I got this year just paid expenses from New York and back again.

I am hoping very much that you will like the Wrangel Island book when it comes out. I have never tried anything so difficult to write. It seemed we could not establish the character and ability of the boys without showing the unreliability and incorrectness of Mr. Noice's story. It is always unpleasant to have to go after anyone that way, no matter how richly he may deserve it.

I believe Mr. Noice is now back in New York from Brazil. His marriage proved to be temporary as his wife left him in Brazil and sailed for Europe. The separation is said to be permanent. Mr. Noice now wants to sign certain retractions but we do not know yet whether he will make them sweeping enough. Of course, if he voluntarily owns up to all the untruths which we can prove, we shall have no need for proving them and that may enable me to omit from the book the most troublesom chapter in which I have established his unreliability.

Mrs. Delphine Maurer, 911 Robbins Avenue, Niles, Ohio.

Last edit 12 days ago by Samara Cary
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