


stefansson-wrangel-09-20-059-001 1

stefansson-wrangel-09-20-059-001 1



Dear Delphine:

There is no money in the treasury of our company, everything having been used to meet the most pressing of the bills incurred by Noice in Alaska. I am writing Mr. Taylor to find out how much is due to you on Fred's account, asking him to bring a memorandum with him when he comes down to New York to see me December 2nd. I will then send you from here a personal check.

I am writing this because Mr. Anderson has forwarded me a copy of your recent letter to him.

I might as well tell you now that as soon as we have got rid of those legal obligations of the company that must be met to avoid lawsuits, I shall write you outlining what I hope to be able to do in the way of meeting my moral obligations. One of these will be the redemption of the shares in the company which Fred held. As soon as I can I shall buy them in at par with reasonable interest.

Noice spent our money and pledged credit with unbelievable recklessness while he was in Alaska. I suppose my debts on account of the Wrangell Island enterprise are now something between twenty and thirty thousand dollars. Of course, most of them are the debts of a joint stock company and there is a legal way of avoiding them. Doing so is unthinkable, however, and I shall meet the obligations as fast as I can earn money for that purpose.

Mrs. F. W. Maurer, 911 Robbins Avenue, Niles, Ohio.

Last edit 16 days ago by Samara Cary




Dear Delphine:

There is no money in the treasury of our company, everything having been used to meet the most pressing of the bills incurred by Noice in Alaska. I am writing Mr. Taylor to find out how much is due to you on Fred's account, asking him to bring a memorandum with him when he comes down to New York to see me December 2nd. I will then send you from here a personal check.

I am writing this because Mr. Anderson has fore warded me a copy of your recent letter to him.

I might as well tell you now that as soon as we have got rid of those legal obligations of the company that must be met to avoid lawsuits, I shall write you outlining what I hope to be able to do in the way of meeting my moral obligations. One of these will be the redemption of the shares in the company which Fred held. As soon as I can I shall buy them in at par with reasonable interest.

Noice spent our money and pleged credit with unbelievable recklessness while he was in Alaska. I suppose my debts on account of the Wrangell Island enterprise are now something between twenty and thirty thousand dollars. Of course, most of them are the debts of a joint stock company and there is a legal way of avoiding them. Doing so is unthinkable, however, and I shall meet the obligations as fast as I can earn money for that purpose.

Mrs. F.W. Maurer, 911 Robbins Avenue, Niles, Ohio.

Last edit over 1 year ago by MaryV
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