




Nov. 28.

911 Robbins Ave. Niles Ohio

My Dear Mr. Stefansson:-

There are several things I want to say to you and first of all, I want to make clear to you my motive in sending to Mr. Anderson for Fred's back salary.

I supposed the money had been placed to my credit and that he had failed to send my duplicate slips. I didn't like his sending my letter on to


you. I feel he could have explained the affair. However I do not want you to feel pressed to take care of this before you are able. I became anxious about it since for several months back Mr. Anderson has made no mention of it as he has hereto fore, and I have the thousand dollars to refund to the bank which Fred borrowed to take stock in the company plus

Last edit 17 days ago by Samara Cary



the interest which I have had to pay. There has been insurance to keep up also other debts which he has owed, so you see there will not be enough of Fred's salary to see me through, it is up to me to do the best I can now since he is not here to help me.

But please understand me Mr. Stefansson, I thought the back money had been placed and I don't want you to feel that this must be taken care of at once. I realize you have just about all you can manage at the present time and as I have told you before my aim is to help you through, though it be in a small way, with anything that I can do. This trouble concerns you as well as me and all relatives of the boys. I am quite sure

Last edit 17 days ago by Samara Cary



I understand what you are facing and I am glad of every opportunity to straighten out any erroneous conclusion or attitude people are taking. all this false condemnation is due to entire misunderstanding and I might say ignorance of the situation.

If Harold Noice had only accomplished one thing, that of having the Crawfords take the stand


they have, he would have done enough to prove his disloyalty and to have lost every atom of honor if he had any to begin with.

As the saying goes, "There is two sides to every story" seems not to be true in this case, as I see it and I have every reason to feel justified in taking this attitude. Mr. Stefansson I believe

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in you and it would take absolute proof to turn me otherwise, so don't ever hesitate in asking my assistance and I will do all I can in whatever may come up.

Mrs. Crawford has written me quite a lengthy letter. Poor soul, my heart goes out to her and I can see that Noice is responsible for her attitude. I am trying to think that she is not herself for if she were her thought is only one thing, absolute bitterness towards everything.

I have written to her very carefully, every word I weighed and trusted that it would reach her and tend towards putting a different light upon her darkened thought

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I have written to her before and she asks me to write often for my letters have helped her. I surely sought to be a source of comfort and to explain everything as I looked at it. I believe she will come out of this state in time.

I have faith enough to know that eventually right will win and although this has been


about the most severe trial we would want, I feel that I yet have faith that all things work together for one good.

To lose my husband has left an impression that will be with me always, and there is no one to put any blame upon for his doom, this sorrow is mine to bear and to judge another for his death No - No, that is

Last edit 17 days ago by Samara Cary
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