




My dear V $ -----

Here is a letter from Mrs Allen - since it concerns Ada, I send it to add to your collection.

I have been at work two days and as my day at the office begins at 8.30 and ends at five it doesnt leave me much extra time.

Tomorrow I will move to the Formosa Apartments, 7139 Hollywood Blvd, the same place I was last spring summer when I wrote the first draft of book - as yet I have found no place for Ada

Last edit 2 months ago by Samara Cary


I looked around at the beach one afternoon - but that is all the time I had as I had to go to the office at once, and begin the reading. job. I've written you a number of lettes to Havard Club, all during the boat trip, Ada gets around very well by herself. I tell her place to go and she seems able to find her way about .She has been looking about for housekeeping rooms a any place.

You see the weather has been so wonderful that all the places at the beaches are full up with tourists.

- Larry is on location somewhere in Texas near El Paso I wired him about Ada on the ranch but as I have had no answer, I presume he didnt get

Last edit 2 months ago by Samara Cary




Jane took me to the ranch - and I interviewed Larry's sister-in-law She was quite cold to the idea and said emphaticaly there was "no place - no accomodation - no beds - no place to eat -- etc," I saw that it wouldn't do for even if Larry said yes she could make it quite unpleasant for Ada and that wouldn't do -

I want the whole trip to be one of pleasure to her and I want her to feel that if it were not for you so much it would not have

Last edit 2 months ago by Samara Cary


been possible

All of my friends in San Francisco were wonderful, we Ada had never seen such wonderful cars - and "so many nice people" -

Strange thing she took quite a fancy to my sister Jean - she told me "that my sister was such a nice lady"

That reminds me Jean had the flu when you were in Long Beach, or she would have gone to have your lecture.

I am at this funny little hotel until tomorrow, If I dont find a better place Ada will have to stay here - it is near me. I am paying $2 1/2 a day for her room but I simply haven't had one minute to look about

Last edit 2 months ago by Samara Cary



I will make a statement to you of money expended as soon as I can settle down and add.

The fifty dollar check I [illegible] in my checking account as you told me before you left Spokane that you were going to destroy it.

I had to borrow from the bank to pay my expenses - and I counted to that check and got fivty less than I had intended for myself.

That left me the [straight] $200 [t]hat you wired Seattle - for Ada's expenses. The ranch being elemenated makes it more expense for you, tho I suppose they would have charged

Last edit 2 months ago by Samara Cary
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