




Bank of Hamilton Bldg., .

Mrs. O. R. Wilcox, Secretary to V. Stefansson, c/o American Geographical Society, Broadway at 156th St., New York, N.Y.

Dear Mrs. Wilcox: -

Through a confidential source I have just had read to me a cable from London advising that the Imperial Authorities have decided to retain Wrangel Island, but do not wish to make an issue of it just now, feeling that continued possession will strengthen their claim, and that a discussion as to their rights would not be propitious at this time. I am passing this information on to you, although I expect that you have received it direct from Mr. Stefansson.

Its only significance to us at the moment is the added hope it gives that money will he forthcoming from Mr. Stefansson in time to get the expedition away before it is too late.

I had feared yesterday that the Imperial Authorities were not going to retain the Island, and that the raising of money on this account would be extremely difficult, as those who put it up would be facing a definite loss. The cable I have just told you of changes this situation, and I hope, with you, that our anxiety in the matter may be relieved before Monday.

Yours sincerely, AJT Taylor

Last edit 6 months ago by Samara Cary
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