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Blowing a light gale all day from the East and drifting
so did no work. Clear.

Still blowing from the East and drifting. General duties.

Still blowing and drifting. Cut wood and general duties.

1 fox G.
1 fox M.

All hands lowered the ridges of the house frame this A.M.
then Maurer and Galle went to their traps. Maurer got a
female fox with poor fur: About a mile West, Maurer
saw the tracks of a female with two small (last winter)
cubs. They were along the beach for a short way and then
went out on the ice. Maurer also saw several fox tracks.
Galle got a male fox at the old camp site and saw
the tracks of several more. Also poorly fured. Crawford
and I busy getting the frame ready to put on snow
blocks. Clear, cold and light breeze from the N.E. The
bear tracks, Maurer thinks, were made 3 or 4 days ago, some time
during the blow which we have had for the last few days.

Maurer and Galle to thier traps. Nothing caught but several tracks
seen. Crawford and I busy about camp. Light E. breeze. Clear.

Maurer & Galle to their traps. Maurer got a female fox and
saw several tracks. Galle caught nothing but saw several
fox tracks and a bear track about 3/4 of a mile East of
camp I Crawford and I hauled two loads of wood

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