with fog and occasional drizzel. Galle saw 3
Brant . All the bird life we see now are
sea gulls, ravens and a small species of
wading bird.
Foggy with a fresh breeze from the East. Snowing
in A.M. and turned to rain in P.M. General duties
Rained hard all night with breeze from the East. Early
this morning breeze let up and turned to W. Now
a strong breeze from W. and clear. As far as we
can see the ice is not moving, altho there appears
to be considerable water a long way to the East of
us from the looks of the sky. All hands have a-
bout given up hopes for a ship this year and intend
to move west a short way soon. The wood for 2 miles,
or more, on each side of us is exhausted and it is
eis esier to move camp to wood than to haul
wood all next summer winter a long distance to
Blew a gale all night from the West with occas-
ional snow. This morning a lead appeared about
a mile off shore, from 1/4 to 1/2 mile wide, running
East and West. A great deal of water sky was
seen to the South. Now (11 P.M) a light breeze
from the W. Cloudy.
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