



Status: Incomplete

off shore. A lead can be seen extending parralel to the
beach and 3/4 1/4 to 3/4 of a mi. off shore, and running as far
East or W. so we can see from camp. Shortly before the ice
went out Crawford went to the trapping camp to get
the rest of his traps. He has all but 5 trap at this
camp now, the other 5 he will have to get later. I took
a walk a short way to the W. and killed a female

max 41.0
min 29.8

All hands busy about camp. Gathering wood, filling
"pokes", pegging out seal skins and various other
things necessary. The ice is slill still the same as yes -
terday. We now have 6 pokes filled with blubber
amounting to somehwere near 1200 lbs. Sealing seems
to be over until the ice comes in (if it does come in)
and the seals we have secured so far were just in
time. Light breeze from the East. Very cloudy.

max 41.8
min 30.0

1 Eider
Maurer & I took a walk to the W E. and between us we
Killed a female Eider. Looked for seals on the ice to the E.
but saw none. Crawford went up the river a distance. Galle
brought home the rest of his traps and a mamoth tusk I
that I had found several days ago. Galle also found two
more mamoth tusks, in bad condition which he will
bring home later. He found a great amount of fossil
ivory, mostly walrus. He saw no seals to the W. The ice
is abo slowly closing up, and a long way to the South
across the open water a few seals were seen on the edge

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