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think was more than shoulder deep, the current was
so rapid that to keep one's footing was impossible.
Finly in desperation I decided to swim the river so putting
my Kodak, films, matches etc. in a pair of water boots
across we went. I did not put my trusty Ingersoll
in the water boots and it stopped then and I lost
track of time from then on. After traveling about 5
hours more thru more snow, mud and water I reached
the camp site at R. Har Had a sleep and rest here, then
went to old trapping camp, had another sleep and
reached home at 7 P.M. The morning of , foot
sore & weary.

max 41.0
min 29.0

Maurer killed two seals today, one of which slipped
down his hole and was lost. Galle was sealing but got
nothing. Crawford has a sore hand and can do nothing.
I have been resting up, for my feet are sore and I am

max 45.7
min 24.0

1 seal M.
Blowing a strong breeze from W. with sleet. Stayed
in camp. Later - The weather let up a bit and
Maurer went a short way from camp and killed two
seals, one, as yesterday, slid down the hole before Maurer
could reach him. Galle took two dogs and hauled it in

1 Eider K
max 40.0
min 32.0

Blowing a gale all day from the W. with snow &
sleet. The ice went out along the beach for a distance
of about a mile and is now about 3/4 of a mile

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