max 52.0
min 13.5
1 seal A.R.C
At last!!! Crawford got a seal while out
taking a few soundings three cracks and seal
holes. A nice shot of 80 yards. A medium sized
male not very fat. Stomach empty. I took a
walk up the river. hear snipe and duck but
did not see them. Maurer and Galle also
went with shot guns. Heard geese but saw none
Light breeze from W. Clouds along horizon
max +36.5
min +22.0
Blowing a strong breeze and very foggy all day.
Occassional snow flurries. Saw one snipe & several geese
max 45.0
mmin 43.0
I took a walk up the river and also along the
beach to the East. Saw terne, snipe and geese. Blowing
a strong breeze from the East. Snowing.
max 35.0
min 26.0
The worst worst day we have had on the island.
Blowing a gale and snowing. Drifting heavily from
the East and large drifts forming to in the lee
of all obstructions. Wet and disagreeable. Foggy.
max 35.0
min 24.0
Nearly the same as yesterday altho the wind has
let up some. It has been my object all along in
this diary to mention in my daily entries all
of the animals & bird life that we see but as
we are continually seeing birds of different
descriptions I think that it is unnecessary
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