max +40.0
min -9.0
General duties. Foggy. Variable airs.
max +23.0
min -4.5
This morning Galle took a smallpack, his
rifle & a sleeping skin on a little trip to the
mountains. He intends to climb a high peak
and "hike the bear" see what is on the other side.
Expects to be gone a day or two. Crawford took a
walk on the ice a couple of miles to the S.E.
and saw several bear tracks, the newest one a
3 or 4 days old. We saw one fox track. I went
East for about 2 1/2 mi. to look for wood and
found 2 bear tracks along the beach appear -
ently made about the same time as those
found by Crawford on the ice. Saw two fox
tracks. Maurer cleaning fox skins. Clear.
Variable airs. Warm.
max +30.5
min -6.5
Cleaning fox skins and general duties. Clear
Calm & Warm.
max +17.0
min -13.0
Galle arrived home at 3 P.M. from the other
camp. He camped the first night after leav-
ing here in the hills in a snow house after
climbing a peak alt. 1450. He was unable
to see very far to the north from there because
of a ridge farther on. He saw several snow-
buntings. He then went to the other camp
along the hills where he found the tent
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