max -6.0
min -27.5
the West. Saw no bear or fox tracks. Maurer
and Galle cut wood and hauled ice. Blowing a
strong breeze from the N.W. Drifting.
max +14.5
min -22.0
General duties. Saw the raven today. Hazy
max +24.0
min -19.0
Blowing a light gale from The West.
Drifting. Cut wood & hauled ice. One more
feed of bear meat left.
max +10.0
min -10.0
Galle took a walk to the West ward over his
trap line and stacked wood along a sand spit.
General duties.
max +22.0
min -19.0
Crawford and I hauled wood from the West.
Cut wood, hauled ice. Breeze from East. Clear.
max +18.0
min -7.0
Shortly after breakfast Crawford saw a
female bear with a cub about 1 1/2 mi. S. of camp.
Crawford, Maurer and Galle started after them
and when about 3 or 400 yrds. The bear saw
them and started South. The two dogs that they
had with them were let loose bu but did not
succeed in stopping her. Shortly after starting
the old bear deserted her cub. When I saw
the dogs after the old one I figured that
the bear was ours so hitched up the three
remaining dogs and went out to where I
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