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max +20.0
min +13.5

from the West ward. No fox tracks seen. Maurer
and Galle cleaned out storm shed & dog house,
hauled ice and cut wood. Very warm all day.
Variable airs and clear.

max +28.0
min +4.0

General duties. Crawford took compass bearings
on several large peaks inland. Cloudy. Lgt. br. East

Thursday [small drawing of a 3-leaf clover] ← (Shamrock) Friday

max +20.0
min -13.0

General duties. Foggy. Warm

March 18

max +18.0
min -19.0

Cut wood & hauled ice. Foggy and blowing a
fresh breeze from the East. Snowing

max +3.0
min -12.5

Crawford and Galle took a short walk inland
to see if there were any fox tracks. Saw none.
General duties. Variable airs. Clear.

max +13.5
min -4.5

Cut wood, hauled ice. Very foggy. Str. breeze from S. W E

max +12.0
min -12.0

Crawford and I took a walk to the West ward
along the beach for about 6 miles. Only two fox
tracks were seen and they were not fresh. We
found a fox in one of Galle's trap which she has
not vus visited for some time. Clear. Light breeze
from the East.

max +16.0
min -13.0

General duties. Strong breeze from the East. Clear.
Galle is attempting the building of a snowhouse

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