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max -16.0
min -40.0

Expected the boys home today but no sign
of them. Crawford made a sled for hauling
ice. Cut wood. Strong breeze from E. Clear. Cold.

Feburary 2

max -19.0
min -38.5

Maurer & Gallearrived home late this
afternoon. They located Roger's Harbor at an
estimated distance of 40 miles East of this
camp. They stayed there over night in a
hole in a snow drift. Numerous signs
are to be seen then of the "Karluck" camp of
1914. In all the distance traveled in the
last 4 days only 3 or 4 fox es tracks were seen
and one fox a half mile away. A few
fairly fresh bear tracks were seen but
no bears. Crawford and I want to go
inland and climb the highest peak in
sight, but both of my heels have cracked
badly and I am afraid to attempt it.
Cut wood and general duties. Clear, cold & East breeze.

max -18.5
min -37.0

Crawford and I hauled a large load of wood
from the West ward. Maurer and Galle cut
wood & general duties. 50% cloudy. Light
breeze from the East. Snowing slightly.

max -16.0
min -34.0

Crawford and Maurer left for the trapping camp
this morning intending to go farther East for a

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