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with the meat that will be put up here will go a
long way to tide us over the winter. Should Mr.
decide not to stay on the island it will be
a small matter to go by ship and pick up the
meat which will be on a point or some other
place which a ship can reach easily. I have talked
this over with Crawford and he agrees with me
on this as a good plan.

max -6.0
min -18.0

Galle and I hauled a load of wood from the
Westward. Saw no fox or bear tracks. Crawford
and Maurer hauled ice & cut wood. Fresh breeze
from the East. Clear. The woman is repair-
ing our water boots for the spring as she
has nothing else to do at present.

max -7.5
min -26.5

Did nothing but the chores today. Blowing a
fresh breeze from the East. Cloudy.

max -8.0
min -27.0

Galle and I hauled a load of wood. Crawford and
Maurer cleaned of out the stove and pipe. Got one
fox in the traps set near camp altho while haul-
ing wood we did not see a track. Cloudy, calm & warm

max +6.0
min -24.5

Blowing a strong breeze and snowing all day so
stayed inside. Cloudy & warm

max +8.0
min -6.5

Blowing a strong gale from the West. Sa Stayed indoors. Warm

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