in front of camp. Galle placed several traps
around the dogs and before going to bed
one trap had a fox. Clear, cold, & calm.
max -27.0
min -37.0
1 raven seen
Another fox in the traps this morning.
No open water to be seen. Clear, cold, and calm.
max -28.5
min -37.5
Galle and I, with the team, went about 2 1/2 miles
W. of camp today and cut up a lot of logs
in lengths for hauling. Coming home we brought
a load with us. Crawford & Maurer cut wood, got
ice etc. Cold, clear, and strong breeze from the East.
The only fox tracks we saw today were all within
a half mile of camp, apparently the tracks of
the two foxes already noted as caught. No
signs of open water.
max -30.0
min -38.5
Blowing a strong breeze and drifting from the
East so stayed inside most of the day. Cut
wood and general duties. No open water.
Clear. Still cooking dog feed.
max -14.0
min -38.8
Blowing strong breeze all day and drifting
from the East. Stayed inside. Cloudy & warm.
max +2.0
min -20.5
Open water appeared about noon today to
the South. All hands went with the sled & dogs
but when about 1 1/2 mi off shore the lead
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