max -5.0
min -28.5
Strong breeze all day from the East with snow. Galle
and I hauled a load of wood. No open water and no
fox tracks seen. Cloudy. Raven seen over camp.
max +7.0
min -6.0
No open water today. Stayed in camp. Snowing &
fresh breeze from the East. Warm.
max +8.0
min +2.5
Crawford and I started for the other camp this morn-
ing to see how things were there but going was so
hard that at the half-way box we turned back. The
snow was ankle deep and sometimes knee deep and
we decided to wait for a blow before going again.
Saw one fresh fox track and one several days old.
Cut wood, cleaned out dogs house etc. Clear. Fr breeze from E.
max +2.5
min -13.0
Snowing and warm all day. No open water so stayed in
camp. Variable breezes. Cloudy.
Crawfords 21st birthday. No open water. Cut
wood, hauled ice etc. Clear, cold fresh breeze N.
Maurer and Galle took a walk to the westward
over Galle's trap line. I had not been visited for
several weeks but nothing had been about
the traps so it was just as well. Several
fox tracks have been seen about the carcasses of
the two dogs which died. They are on the ice
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