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seals to be seen excepting those already mention-
ed we returned home, seeing a raven on the
way. Just after arriving at camp Crawford
shot a fox a few feet from the house. Between the
dogs and the shotguns, it looks as if the traps
will come in second. A few fox tracks on the
ice but none seen on the beach. Cold, clear & calm

max -20.5
min -30.8

Crawford & Maurer went off on the ice and
along the lead saw two bear tracks, fresh,
going south. They followed them for some
distance but had give it up for darkness.
Galle and I hauled wood and then cleaned
up the dog house. I was in the dog house &
Galle saw a bear 1/2 mile East of camp
coming our way. The wind was West
and when about 1/4 of a mile from camp
the bear smelled camp and was gone like
a flash, to seaward. We had, of course, by
this time our guns and was trying to
sneak up on him and when he ran we
followed him for a short distance but
gave it up as it was nearly dark. A
few minutes later the others came home
following the tracks of the same bear
which had, in turn, followed our tracker
home from the lead, yesterday. Had the
wind been from any other direction today

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