to eat. Clear. Fresh breeze from the North.
max - 7.0
min - 19.0
Maurer & I returned to main camp after hauling
a load of wood from the East ward. On the way
we cut up a large log to be hauled to the trapping
camp later. Light breeze from North. Cloudy
max - 5.0
min - 19.4
Blowing a gale from The North so stayed
inside all day.
max - 5.2
min - 13.3
No open water in sight, so hauled & cut
wood. Calm, cloudy & warm. Note. On
the night of while at the trapping
camp one of the dogs killed a fox which
came into camp.
max - 6.9
min -13.1
Thick & cloudy all day. Crawford took a walk to the
East but saw no bear or fox tracks. Galle went to the
Westward and saw one old bear track and no fox
tracks. Water sky a long way to the S.W. Light
breeze from the East with occasional flurries
max - 7.0
min - 15.0
Crawford & Maurer took a walk South on the ice
and found open water a couple of miles off
shore that we could not see from camp. They loooked
for seal for some time but saw no signs of them. They
did see several fox tracks. On Crawford
killed a fox here with a shotgun. Light breeze from
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