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morrow I will go sealing. The woman has
worked industriously all day scraping skins.
Maurer & Crawford are planning coming to this
camp Xmas. Clear, calm & cold.

max -3.0
min -25.0

Galle and I hauled wood today. The woman
is working industriously, but is very slow. Fin-
ished a pair of mittens for Galle today. Saw a
raven flying about camp. I cooked for dogs to
day as the bear meat is nearly gone. About 4
P.M. a light gale arrose from the East with
drifting snow. We do not like to see this wind for
the ice does not go out with it. Cloudy.

max -8.5
min -29.5

Over slept this morning, but no harm done for
it was blowing a gale from the East and
snowing. We straightened up about camp and
cleaned up the stormshed. The woman is very
industrious and has been very gay all day, es-
pecially after I told her that Crawford and
Maurer would be down for Xmas. Blowing
a gale now from the West and snowing. Cloudy

max 19.5
min -9.0

Blowing a strong gale from the West, so did
not go out today. The woman is working like
a Trojan and arose this morning at 6 o clock
to bake bread. The dogs are inside and comfortable.
Nothing to do until the blow is over. Cloudy.

Notes and Questions

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- I added the marginal temperatures in the same row as the rest of the row's sentence.
- he used a symbol for "and" so I put an ampersand